A Planning Toolbox for Delaware Communities
A "complete" community promotes healthy lifestyles, economic growth, and sustainability through an integrated approach to transportation, land use, and community design. The Institute for Public Administration's (IPA) online Delaware Complete Communities Planning Toolbox is a resource for community leaders and local government officials to utilize planning approaches, community-design tools, public engagement strategies, and visual tools.
Planning, Applications, and Analysis Expertise
IPA is working to develop evidence-based practices for planning and designing places that advance goals related to enhanced economic development competitiveness and environmental quality, a high residential quality of life, and wise public investments in infrastructure. Applied research activities focus on identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing the use of transportation and land-use planning tools and methods that best support both the analysis of existing and projected transportation conditions and the selection of implementation of relevant policies at the neighborhood, local, and regional scales.
Planning resources for Delaware local government focus on:
- Implementing multi-modal and connected transportation systems
- Complete communities that foster transit-, pedestrian-, and bicycle-friendly transportation networks
- Visual tools and GIS-story maps as a tool for stakeholder engagement
- The use of smart-growth scorecards to advance sustainable land-use practices
- Designing Better Places Video Series
Sample Products
Contact Us
For more information about Complete Communities, visit the Delaware Complete Communities Planning Toolbox website or contact Marcia Scott.
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