- What public policy changes will be necessary to make Smart Cities a reality?
How can emerging technologies be integrated with public infrastructure and services?
How can governments balance data collection and information sharing with privacy concerns?
How might technological changes influence employment opportunities?
The Institute for Public Administration (IPA) conducts policy research, develops policy guides, and convenes public conversations to help governments, businesses, and communities understand and plan for the impacts and opportunities of emerging technologies. The technology and public policy work of IPAs faculty, staff, and students addresses topic areas including transportation policy, local government management, planning, and economic development.
Recent efforts include studying the public policy implications of self-driving cars, managing efforts to analyze issues and opportunities related to broadband infrastructure and services in Delaware, and researching workforce implications associated with cybersecurity demands.
Technology and Public Policy Expertise
Studying industry trends and public policy implications associated with emerging technologies
Analyzing and developing open data sets
Convening public policy forums to prioritize and plan for regional technology initiatives
Developing local government approaches to managing and enhancing technology infrastructure
Researching economic development opportunities and workforce needs in emerging industries
Training on digital literacy topics
Contact Us
For more information about Technology and Public Policy at the Institute for Public Administration, contact Troy Mix.