For decades, the Conflict Resolution Program has offered a four-day Basic Mediation Training that is open to the public. It provides a foundation of understanding and practice for anyone wishing to enhance their communication and conflict resolution skills. This training is the only of its kind offered in Delaware, and since its inception, it has served over 250 participants from the tri-state area.
What is Mediation?
Mediation is a safe, confidential, and voluntary process that enables disputing parties to air their concerns, deal with emotions, and find mutually agreeable solutions with the help of an impartial mediator. Mediators assist with and facilitate effective communication between disputants, promote understanding, and are responsible for protecting the mediation process.
This training focuses on the facilitative mediation model that empowers individuals in conflict with the tools and support to have a difficult conversation. It provides a respectful, structured process for parties to air their differences and create solutions that work them. Empowerment, recognition, and self-determination are the foundation on which this mediation model is built and the key to its success.
What is Basic Mediation Training?
Basic Mediation Training is an intensive, four-day training that teaches the facilitative mediation process in the context of community mediation programs. Through lecture, individual and group activities, and a series of role-plays, participants develop a foundation of basic mediation skills that can be built upon in the future, including:
- The Six-Step Facilitative Mediation Process
- The roles and responsibilities of a mediator
- How to facilitate a conversation between disputing parties
- Effective communication skills
- Active-listening
- Identifying positions and interests
- Reframing
- Summarizing
- Neutralizing language
What Makes This Training Special?
This training is the only one of its kind offered in Delaware. The trainers are experienced, practicing mediators who provide the participants with firsthand insights and tips. This training gives participants the opportunity to practice mediating through role-plays that occur on three of the four training days. In addition, it is supported by a diverse group of professional mediators who serve as coaches and provide feedback to support and facilitate learning, including directors of volunteer mediation programs who are available to explain volunteer mediation opportunities in Delaware.
Who Should Participate in Basic Mediation Training?
From teachers and administrators to police and parole officers, Human Resources specialists, and private sector managers, the skills taught in this training are truly valuable and transferable skills that can be applied to a variety of professional and personal situations. This training provides a foundation of basic mediation skills that can be adapted and applied to specialized settings, or built upon through advanced mediation trainings.
The next Basic Mediation Training will be hosted on October 9, 10, 16 & 17, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.,​ at the Buena Vista Conference Center in New Castle, Delaware.
- Early Bird Registration through May 31, 2024: $825
- Registration from June 1 through July 31, 2024: $925
- Registration from Aug.1 through Sept. 27, 2024: $1,025​
Register Online​ | Review the Cancellation​ Policy | View eve​nt flyer​​
​Contact Us
Subscribe to the Conflict Resolution Program's mailing list to receive updates on official dates and times for upcoming trainings. For more information about the training or registration, contact the Conflict Resolution Program (302-831-8158) or Joy Jordan​.​​​