| 35 | Garrett Wozniak | Senate Minority Caucus | | | | | <p>M.P.A. student specializing in state and local management</p><p>B.S. in Economics and Political Science, Towson University</p><p>Study abroad in the United Kingdom (International Politics, Cambridge University)</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2006/Garrett Wozniak.jpg | |
| 36 | Garth Spencer | House Minority Caucus | | | | | <p>B.A. student majoring in Political Science</p><p>Member of Provost’s Student Diversity and Success Council</p><p>Staff Assistant, Office of U.S. Senator Thomas R. Carper</p><p>Senior Assistant to Scholarship Administrator, MBNA Foundation</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2006/GarthSpencer.jpg | |
| 37 | Hilary Bell | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>M.P.A. student specializing in state and local management/ international development</p><p>B.A. in International Relations, University of Delaware</p><p>Mentor/Administrator, University of Delaware AmeriCorps*VISTA program</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2006/HilaryBell.jpg | |
| 38 | Jonathan Kirch | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>M.P.A. student specializing in organizational leadership</p><p>B.A. in Leadership and Consumer Economics, University of Delaware</p><p>Consultant, JPMorgan Investment Bank, NA Derivative Operations</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2006/JonathanKirch.jpg | |
| 39 | Melissa Murphy | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>M.P.A. student specializing in healthcare policy and financial management</p><p>B.A. in Political Science, University of Delaware</p><p>Administrative Intern, The Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, N.Y.</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2006/MelissaMurphy.jpg | |
| 40 | Ray Callaway | Senate Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>M.P.A. student specializing in state and local management</p><p>B.A. in Africana Studies, Cornell University</p><p>Intern, Office of U.S. Senator Joseph R. Biden</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2006/Ray Callaway.jpg | |
| 42 | Sanskriti “Mittu” Inamdar | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>M.P.A. student specializing in financial management</p><p>M.S in Clinical Social Work, University of Texas at Austin</p><p>Program Manager, Delaware Association of Nonprofit Agencies, Newark, Del.</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2006/SanskritiMittuInamdar.jpg | |
| 44 | Sarah Noonan | Senate Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>M.P.A. student specializing in healthcare policy and state and local management</p><p>B.A. in Political Science, University of Delaware</p><p>Intern, Office of U.S. Senator Thomas R. Carper</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2006/SarahNoonan.jpg | |
| 43 | Shannon Connolly | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>M.P.A. student specializing in state and local management</p><p>M.S.W. in Social Work, New York University</p><p>B.S. in Psychology, Frostburg State University</p><p>Medical Surgical Unit Supervisor, Trauma Center, City Hospital, New York, N.Y.</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2006/ShannonConnolly.jpg | |
| 45 | Thomas Friedman | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>M.P.A. student specializing in financial management</p><p>
</p><p>B.A. in Psychology, University of Arizona<br></p><p>Intern, Office of Governor Ruth Ann Minner, Washington, D.C.</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2006/ThomasFriedman.jpg | |
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