| 91 | Jordan Fischer | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>​B.S. student majoring in International Business and Marketing and minoring in French Studies</p><p>Intern, Swartz Campbell, LLC, Wilmington, Del.</p><p>Study abroad in Aix-en-Provence and Paris, France</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2010/JordanFischer.jpg | |
| 90 | Katie Anderson | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>​B.S. student majoring in Human Services with a concentration in administration and family policy</p><p>Study abroad in Granada, Spain</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2010/KatieAnderson.jpg | |
| 92 | Kaylynn Palaio | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>​B.A. student double majoring in Political Science with a global studies concentration and Foreign Languages and Literature with a Spanish Studies concentration</p><p>Social Science Scholar</p><p>Intern, Delaware’s Office of the Child Advocate</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2010/KaylynnPalaio.jpg | |
| 93 | Kira Paul | House Minority Caucus | | | | | <p>​B.A. student majoring in Political Science and minoring in History with a Certificate of Business</p><p>Public Service Fellow, UD Institute for Public Administration</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2010/KiraPaul.jpg | |
| 94 | Lauren Brittingham | Senate Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>M.P.A. student specializing in health policy and financial management</p><p>B.S. in Human Services, Education, and Public Policy, with minors in Leadership and Business Administration, University of Delaware</p><p>Study abroad in Hawaii</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2010/LaurenBrittingham.jpg | |
| 96 | Morgan DiGravina | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>​B.A. student majoring in International Relations with a concentration in world order and diplomacy (specialization in Europe) and minoring in History</p><p>Intern, Office of Delaware Governor Jack Markell</p><p>Study abroad in Athens, Greece</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2010/MorganDiGravina.jpg | |
| 97 | Ted Briggs | House Minority Caucus | | | | | <p>​B.A. student majoring in International Relations with a concentration in development and a Latin-American specialization</p><p>Summer Research Scholar</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2010/TedBriggs.jpg | |
| 98 | Trevor Felix | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>​M.P.A. student with a specialization in planning</p><p>B.S. in Metropolitan Studies, Towson University</p><p>Participant with Bike & Build, bicycled across America for affordable housing</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2010/TrevorFelix.jpg | |
| 86 | Amy Clark | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>M.P.A. student concentrating in health policy</p><p>​B.S. in Human Services, Education and Public Policy with a minor in Spanish</p><p>Study abroad in Granada, Spain</p><p>2009 Legislative Fellow</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2010/AmyClark.jpg | |
| 87 | Chris Lang | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>​Honors Program B.A. and B.S. student majoring in Political Science, Economics, and Finance and minoring in Legal Studies</p><p>Intern, Office of U.S. Senator Thomas R. Carper<br></p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2010/ChrisLang.jpg | |
| 88 | David Bentz | Senate Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>​M.P.A. student specializing in state and local management</p><p>B.A. in Political Science, Penn State</p><p>Legislative Intern, Pennsylvania Democratic Caucus</p><p>Intern, The Winter Group</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2010/DavidBentz.jpg | |
| 89 | Douglas Shapiro | Senate Minority Caucus | | | | | <p>​B.S. and B.A. student double majoring in Economics and Political Science<br></p><p>Social Science Scholar<br></p><p>Study abroad in Switzerland</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2010/DouglasShapiro.jpg | |
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