| 269 | DeMaio, Jenna | jdemaio | jdemaio@udel.edu | | | | | | | Undergraduate Student | Supervisors: Haley Burns and Kelly Sherretz | | | | | | | <img alt="Jenna DeMaio" src="/Images%20Bios/jenna-demaio.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 271 | Diehl, Grace | gdiehl | gdiehl@udel.edu | | | | | | | Undergraduate Student | Supervisors: Kelly Sherretz and Haley Burns | | | | | | | <img alt="Grace Diehl " src="/Images%20Bios/grace-diehl.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 278 | Dobson, Elliott | elldobs | elldobs@udel.edu | | | | | | | Undergraduate Student | Supervisor: BJ DeCoursey | | | | | | | <img alt="Elliott Dobson" src="/Images%20Bios/elliott-dobson.jpeg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 270 | Dykes, Lauren | lbrook | lbrook@udel.edu | | | | | | | Graduate Student | Supervisors: Kelly Sherretz and Haley Burns | | | | | | | <img alt="Lauren Dykes" src="/Images%20Bios/lauren-dykes.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 273 | Franks, Lydia | lfranks | lfranks@udel.edu | | | | | | | Graduate Student | Supervisor: Gerald Kauffman and Martha Narvaez | | | | | | | <img alt="Lydia Franks" src="/Images%20Bios/lydia-franks.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 277 | Raskin, Katya | kraskin | kraskin@udel.edu | | | | | | | Undergraduate Student | Supervisor: Troy Mix | | | | | | | <img alt="Katya Raskin" src="/Images%20Bios/katya-raskin.jpeg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 283 | Rogers, Jalen | jmrogers | jmrogers@udel.edu | | | | | | | Undergraduate Student | Supervisor: Dean Amy Schwartz | | | | | | | <img alt="Jaden Rogers" src="/Images%20Bios/jaden-rogers.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 267 | Shah, Esha | eshashah | eshashah@udel.edu | | | | | | | Undergraduate Student | Supervisor: Kelly Sherretz | | | | | | | <img alt="Esha Shah" src="/Images%20Bios/esha-shah.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 141 | Vichot, Reidel | rvichot | rvichot@udel.edu | | | | | | | Doctoral Student | Supervisor: Troy Mix | | | | | | | <img alt="Reidel Vichot" src="/Images%20Bios/Vichot_Reidel.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 280 | Wilkinson, Ashley | ashleywi | ashleywi@udel.edu | | | | | | | Graduate Student | Supervisors: Kelly Sherretz and Haley Burns | | | | | | | <img alt="Ashley Wilkinson" src="/Images%20Bios/ashley-wilkinson.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
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