Our city and town managers are some of the most important people in
our municipalities. The city/town manager oversees the overall conduct
of the city administration in pursuing the city/towns goals, and
serving the will of City/Town Council.
A city/town managers duties include:
- Reviewing departmental programs, budgets, and policy initiatives
- Making recommendations to City/Town Council
- Ensuring that Council's directives are carried out (in consultation with Council and departments)
- Establishing standards and priorities for the civic administration
- Motivating and monitoring performance to ensure that standards
are met, that priorities are pursued, and that high-quality city/town
services are consistently delivered
- Managing a continuing organizational development program to ensure good communication between departments and city/town leaders
City/town managers are often overlooked when it comes time to hand
out awards. Therefore, the Delaware League of Local Governments thanks
each and every city/town manager in the state for his/her hard work,
long hours, and unyielding desire to make their respective municipality a
better place to live. We salute you!