| What is a research assistantship/position? | <div class="ExternalClass5CD8F91132D047329F94B4F739DDFEAA"><p>Research assistantships or research positions offer graduate students the chance to connect
academic theory and coursework with first-hand work experience during
the academic year. Research assistantships to work on sponsored research
projects are awarded to students through a competitive-selection
process. Students awarded research assistantships are expected to work
20 hours a week from September 1 to May 31 in one of the School’s
affiliated applied research and public service centers. True to “The
Delaware Model” in which students gain real-world professional
experience while they earn their degree, research assistants work in
tandem with faculty and staff on applied research and public service
projects. As often as possible, students’ interests are taken into
account when assigning students to research centers.</p><div style="text-align:left;"></div><p><strong>Resources:</strong></p><p><a target="_blank" href="/ipa/student-opportunities/research"><strong>Research Assistantships/Positions<br></strong></a></p><p><a target="_blank" href="/ipa/student-opportunities/research-assistantships"><strong></strong></a><br></p></div> | | |
| How does a research assistantship/position differ from an internship? | <div class="ExternalClass69076952377944CF8B72B758A9450168"><p>An internship is a paid work experience <strong>during the summer</strong> that
provides graduate students with a supervised practical experience in
their professional field. Internships are required in the MPA
program. Interns typically work full time for approximately three months
during June, July, and August. The host organizations with which they
work benefit from the intern’s energy, enthusiasm, and strong academic
preparation. The interns develop professional skills and practical
knowledge from their experience and contact with the agency supervisor
and mentor.</p><p>
</p><p><strong>Resources:</strong></p><p><strong></strong><a href="/ipa/student-opportunities/research" target="_blank"><strong>Research Assistantships/Positions</strong></a></p><p><a href="/ipa/Lists/FAQGuide%20for%20Prospective%20Students/ipa/student-opportunities/engagement/internships" target="_blank"><strong>Internships</strong></a><br></p><a href="http://www.ipa.udel.edu/education/internships/"><strong></strong></a></div> | | |
| What is the relationship between IPA and the School of Public Policy & Administration? | <div class="ExternalClassE38907718F90489EB0B4293D1B597BC2"><p>
IPA is a public service center of the<strong> <a href="https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/" target="_blank">Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy & Administration</a><span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span></strong>.
IPA played a major role in the development of the Master of Public
Administration MPA Program in 1976 and since then has given its primary
support to this program. Many IPA staff members hold faculty
appointments and teach regularly in the MPA and Ph.D. programs of the <strong>Biden</strong> <strong><strong>School of Public Policy & Administration</strong></strong>, and a number of tenure-track faculty members hold productive staff appointments in IPA. IPA manages the School’s <strong><a href="/ipa/student-opportunities/engagement/internships" target="_blank">Internship Program</a></strong>.<br></p></div> | | |
| What is the mission of IPA? | <div class="ExternalClass18182119ED8F46A89883AF13BBCE7808"><p>IPA is a public service, <strong>education</strong>,
and research center that links the resource capacities of the
University of Delaware with the complex public policy and management
needs of governments and related nonprofit and private organizations.
IPA provides direct staff assistance, research, policy analysis,
training, and forums while contributing to the scholarly body of
knowledge.</p><p><strong>IPA addresses the policy, planning, and management needs
of its partners through the integration of applied research,
professional development, and the education of tomorrow’s leaders.</strong></p><p><strong>Resources:</strong></p></div><div class="ExternalClass18182119ED8F46A89883AF13BBCE7808"><a href="/ipa/about" target="_blank"><strong>About IPA</strong></a><br></div> | | |
| How many research assistants are placed in IPA? What do they do? | <div class="ExternalClassE86D8961097246DB958F1C1C034534F2"><p>IPA supports more than 20<strong> </strong><strong>graduate research assistants</strong><a href="http://www.ipa.udel.edu/directory/students.html"><strong></strong></a> who receive competitive stipends for their work on a wide range of research and public service projects.
Public Administration Fellows participate in healthcare policy
analysis, technical support and assistance to municipalities, education
policy research, conflict resolution programs, water resources policy,
and professional development and leadership trainings. </p><p>They also conduct research for public policy forums relating to
infrastructure and transportation planning, technology, education
reform, and economic development.</p><p>
</p><p> Others, usually second-year students, are assigned to off-campus
placements within state and local government agencies and
organizations. These organizations specialize in a broad array of public
policy areas including land-use planning, education, health care, city
and county management, and transportation.</p></div> | | |
| Do I need to know my projects before the fall semester? | <div class="ExternalClass905A74D4C7A04060B8D3524F9EE47749"><p><strong>No</strong>, it is more critical for incoming students to know that they
have been awarded a graduate research assistantship and that they have
been placed in the Institute for Public Administration as <strong>research assistants</strong>.
The admissions process provides IPA-affiliated faculty and staff
members with a snapshot of the incoming students, but face-to-face
communication is often needed to best match students’ interests and
skills with funded projects.</p></div> | | |
| When does project placement occur? | <div class="ExternalClass1A711F20B42141F2B7CDCABF54A0353A"><p>The placement process occurs over the summer and first two weeks of the
fall semester. Early placements occur because (1) supervisors may
identify returning students with whom they would like to work (or, based
on application materials or summer interviews, incoming students with
interests well matched to program areas), (2) students express interest
in program areas that employ multiple research assistants, or (3)
incoming students submit application materials indicating interests and
skills that are well matched to funded projects. During IPA New Student
Retreat and subsequent orientation meetings students learn about IPA and
its wide range of program areas. Informal placement interviews are
scheduled so faculty and staff members can meet with unassigned students
and discuss their interest areas.</p></div> | | |
| How can I facilitate a good match? | <div class="ExternalClass0C4AC2ABED854328B2434FFEA7F8C931"><p>During the placement process, IPA faculty and staff consider project
funding as well as the interests, experiences, skills, and possible
academic specializations of returning and incoming students. Prior to
arriving on campus, incoming students should contact <strong><a target="_blank" href="/ipa/people/faculty-and-staff/lisam"><strong><a href="https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/people/faculty-staff/lisam" target="_blank">Lisa Moreland Allred</a></strong></a> </strong>to <strong>(1)</strong> discuss any changes to your application materials, <strong>(2)</strong> discuss
your interests, and <strong>(3)</strong> schedule an interview with IPA faculty and staff
over the summer. Also, keep an open mind and remain flexible. Students
learn more about IPA and its wide range of program areas during IPA New
Student Retreat and subsequent orientation meetings. Participation in
the informal placement interviews provides an opportunity to communicate
areas of interest, while meetings with a selection of potential
supervisors will further facilitate project placement.</p></div> | | |
| What are the project areas in which Research Assistants work? | <div class="ExternalClass3B46DE2FF10D4BD4A0C59F58A5D9C73C"><p>Some of the project areas that employ both first- and second-year
graduate research assistants are listed below. The average number of
placements in each area is indicated in parentheses.</p><ul><li><strong>civic education </strong>(1)</li><li><strong>conflict resolution </strong>(1)</li><li><strong>economic development </strong>(1)</li><li><strong>education management and policy</strong><strong> </strong>(3-4)</li><li><strong>health and healthcare policy</strong><strong> </strong>(2)</li><li><strong>state and local government planning</strong><strong> </strong>(3-4)</li><li><strong>state and local government training</strong><strong> </strong>(1)</li><li><strong>transportation policy</strong><strong> </strong>(2-3)</li><li><strong>water resources and the environment</strong><strong> </strong>(1-2)</li><li><strong>development leadership</strong><strong> </strong>(1)</li><li><strong>community engagement</strong> (1)</li></ul><p>
</p><p><strong>Resources:</strong></p><p><a href="/ipa/student-opportunities/research" target="_blank"><strong>Research Assistantships/Positions</strong></a></p></div> | | |
| Will I have an opportunity to learn new skills? | <div class="ExternalClassD4F7B2E4370E44BC8268D8DF1EEA9EC0"><p><strong>Yes!</strong> In fact, it is not always necessary for your research
assistantship to mirror your academic specialization. Should you be
placed in an assignment that, at first glance, does not appear to
correspond with your specific interests, try to keep an open mind. It is
important to note that each placement brings with it opportunities to
learn new skills or tools. Many of IPA’s program areas are interrelated,
and crossover is common. You might discover a new interest area that
you may not have explored otherwise.</p></div> | | |
| Will I be able to change my placement? | <div class="ExternalClassFF8CAAF205B64ADA868E5F8C3F890072"><p><a href="http://www.ipa.udel.edu/directory/homepages/lewis.html"><strong></strong></a><strong>IPA‘s Director</strong>, ”<strong>Mentor-in-Chief</strong><a href="http://www.ipa.udel.edu/directory/homepages/moreland.html"><strong></strong></a>,“
and your supervisor will work with you to ensure a productive and
rewarding research assistant experience. Research assistants often don’t
realize how very much they like their placements until the second or
third month of the semester. If, after a reasonable trial period, you
continue to experience frustration with your project (or center)
placement, you should speak first with your supervisor or IPA’s
designated “Mentor-in-Chief” to discuss possible reassignment. As an
IPA-specific issue, it would not be necessary or appropriate to discuss
your possible project reassignment with non-IPA-affiliated faculty or
staff, at least not without addressing the situation within IPA first.
If necessary, IPA’s director will work with you, your supervisor, and
the “Mentor-in-Chief” to facilitate any planned transition to and from
projects. IPA’s faculty and staff are committed to ensuring that you are
engaged in significant and meaningful assignments that relate to your
interests, skills, and career goals.</p></div> | | |
| What should I be working on during the first two weeks of the semester? | <div class="ExternalClass66ED0E41D9CF4B78B9637DDBCF222107"><p>During the first two weeks of the semester, all students in IPA will
be responsible for meeting with their supervisor or potential
supervisors, reviewing IPA’s policies and procedures in the Research
Assistant Handbook, familiarizing themselves with their work stations
(assigned during IPA New Student Retreat), working on preliminary
projects, and beginning to prepare content for or updates to their LinkedIn profiles.</p><strong>Resources:</strong><br></div><div class="ExternalClass66ED0E41D9CF4B78B9637DDBCF222107"><a href="/ipa/people/students" target="_blank"><strong>Student Directory</strong></a><br></div> | | |
| What other opportunities exist for IPA's Research Assistants? | <div class="ExternalClass6B200339D7A547658F8D02DEB882108B"><p>IPA provides opportunities for professional development both directly and indirectly through:</p><ul><li><strong><a target="_blank" href="/ipa/student-opportunities/engagement/internships">Internship Program</a></strong> – Paid work experience during the summer, which earns academic credit.</li><li><strong><a target="_blank" href="/ipa/student-opportunities/legislative-fellows-program">Legislative Fellows Program</a></strong>
– Competitively selected fellowship providing non-partisan, in-depth
research to legislators and their staff in addressing critical issues
facing the state.</li><li><a target="_blank" href="/ipa/student-opportunities/judicial-fellows-program"><strong>Judicial Fellows Program</strong></a> – Competitively selected fellowship that provides
valuable on-the-job experience working closely with Administrative
Office of the Courts administrators and staff for the State of
Delaware.</li><li><strong>Policy Forums</strong> – Discussions of policy issues that affect Delaware and the region.</li><li><strong>Workshops and Training Sessions</strong> – Events sponsored by IPA are listed on IPA's <a target="_blank" href="/ipa/events/events"><strong>Events</strong></a> page.</li></ul></div> | | |
| Will the research assistantship experience help me to obtain a job after graduation? | <div class="ExternalClass310BDB4DCF7145368878BF42D40C33A0"><p><strong>Yes!</strong> Research assistantships (being a Public Administration
Fellow) and internships can increase your job opportunities by
developing your abilities through applied research and public service,
professional development training, and networking opportunities. Find
out more about <strong>w</strong><strong>hat some of our recent alumni are doing</strong>.</p><p>
</p><p><strong>Resources:</strong></p><p><strong><a href="/ipa/people/alumni-profiles">Alumni Profiles</a></strong><br></p><a href="http://www.ipa.udel.edu/ipa/profiles/"></a></div> | | |