| 64 | Kelly Wolfe | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>
M.A. student in Urban Affairs and Public Policy concentrating in energy, environment, and equity</p><p>
</p><p>B.A. in International Relations with a minor in Geography, University of Delaware<br></p><p>Legislative Correspondent, Office of U.S. Congressman Michael N. Castle<br></p><p>Â </p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2008/KellyWolfe.jpg | |
| 65 | Kiersten Joesten | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>
</p><p>B.A. student majoring in International Relations and Spanish<br></p><p>Volunteer/lobbyist, Healthy Environmental Alliance of Utah (HEAL Utah)<br></p><p>Study abroad in Granada, Spain</p><p>Â </p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2008/KierstenJoesten.jpg | |
| 66 | Mark Stevens | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>
M.P.A. student specializing in financial management<br></p><p>
</p><p>B.A. in Political Science and Economics, Washington College</p><p>Intern, Office of Planning, Management, and Budget, Smithsonian Institution<br></p><p>Â </p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2008/MarkStevens.jpg | |
| 67 | Marlon Brown | Senate Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>
</p><p>M.P.A. student specializing in state and local management<br></p><p>B.A. in Political Science with honors plus a Certificate in Advanced Leadership Studies, American University</p><p>Intern, Office of U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow<br></p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2008/MarlonBrown.jpg | |
| 68 | Megan Dively Lehman | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>
</p><p>M.A. student in Urban Affairs and Public Policy, concentrating in urban and regional planning</p><p>
</p><p>B.A. in Political Science and Journalism, Indiana University of Pennsylvania</p><p>Intern, Planning Department, City of Newark, Del. </p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2008/MeganDivelyLehman.jpg | |
| 69 | Timothy Soper | House Minority Caucus | | | | | <p>
</p><p>M.P.A. student specializing in state and local management</p><p>
</p><p>B.A. in Biology and History, University of Delaware</p><p>Youth Volunteerism Coordinator, Delaware State Office of Volunteerism</p><p>Â </p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2008/TimothySoper.jpg | |
| 70 | Victor Santos | House Minority Caucus | | | | | <p>
</p><p>M.P.A. student specializing in state and local management</p><p>B.A. in Political Science, University of Delaware</p><p>Summer Programs Director, City of New Castle, Del.</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2008/VictorSantos.jpg | |
| 71 | William Rivers | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>
</p><p>B.A. student majoring in International Relations<br></p><p>Intern, Chambers of the Chief Justice, Federal District Courthouse, Wilmington, Del.</p><p>Intercollegiate Studies Institute Honors Fellow</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2008/WilliamRivers.jpg | |
| 60 | Brittney Russell | House Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>
</p><p>B.A. student majoring in Political Science and History with a minor in Legal Studies<br></p><p>President, UD Pre-Law Student Association</p><p>Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Honor Fraternity</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2008/BrittneyRussell.jpg | |
| 61 | Jared Bass | House Minority Caucus | | | | | <p>
</p><p>M.A. student in Urban Affairs and Public Policy</p><p>B.A. in Political Science, Eastern University</p><p>Intern, Office of U.S. Congressman Chaka Fattah<br></p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2008/JaredBass.jpg | |
| 62 | Jonathan Contant | Senate Minority Caucus | | | | | <p>
</p><p>B.A. student, majoring in Philosophy and Public Law<br></p><p>Cadet Program, Delaware State Police</p><p>Seasonal Employee, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2008/JonathanContant.jpg | |
| 63 | Katherine Caudle | Senate Majority Caucus | | | | | <p>
</p><p>M.P.A. student specializing in state and local management</p><p>B.S. in Political Science, Towson University</p><p>Staff Assistant, Carper for U.S. Senate, New Castle, Del.<br></p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/LegislativeFellows/2008/KatherineCaudle.jpg | |