| Evan Miller | 2017 | MPA | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/Images Profile Alumnus/Miller_Evan.png | Interim City Manager, City of Rehoboth Beach | <p>
</p><p>Evan Miller (MPA '17) is the Interim City Manager​ for the City of Rehoboth Beach. Previously, Evan served as a Local Government Management
Fellow for the Cities of Rehoboth Beach and Milford in Delaware. This fellowship
is organized by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and
is a highly competitive career-development opportunity designed to generate
interest in local government careers among recent master’s program graduates.
As a fellow, Evan worked closely with both city managers and staff on special
projects including capital budgeting, strategic planning, grant writing, policy
development, and municipal code updates.</p><p>As a graduate student, Evan’s focus was on public management
and leadership. During his research assistantship with the Institute for Public
Administration, he assisted with a specialized transportation research project
funded by the Delaware Department of Transportation. In addition to his research
assistantship, Evan was an intern for the Borough of Media in Pennsylvania where
he developed a five-year capital improvement plan. </p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/Images Profile Alumnus/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=50 | |
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