| 258 | Abbott, Scott | sabbott | sabbott@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, IPA | Assistant Director, Delaware Center for Civics Education | | | 177H Graham Hall | | | | <img alt="Scott Abbott" src="/Images%20Bios/Abbott_Scott.jpeg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 174 | Barlow, Janice | jls | jls@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, CCRS | Director, KIDS COUNT in Delaware | | Child and family well-being, utilization of data for program planning, policy decision making and accountability | 298K Graham Hall | 302-831-3462 | | | <img alt="Janice Barlow" src="/Images%20Bios/Barlow_Janice.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 193 | Barnes, Philip J. | barnes | pbarnes@udel.edu | | | | | | | Assistant Professor | Policy Scientist, IPA | SNF Ithaca Affiliated Faculty | Local climate change adaptation, Municpal planning, Community engagement and civil society, Sustainable comm | 298P Graham Hall | 302-831-7010 | /Documents%20Bios%20CVs/Philip-Barnes-CV.pdf?csf=1&e=NPhK4t | Philip works closely with municipalities and state agencies to enhance local community resiliency. His research focuses on local climate change adaptation planning and implementation, with an emphasis on flooding and sea level rise mitigation policy. He also conducts policy research on non-traditional transportation systems such as bikeshare networks, electric vehicles, and autonomous vehicles. | <img alt="Philip J. Barnes" src="/Images%20Bios/Barnes_Philip.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 289 | Bauernschmidt, Tracey | tbauerns | tbauerns@udel.edu | | | | | | | SNF Ithaca Program Manager | | | | 278C Graham Hall | | | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Tracey%20Bauernschmidt.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 180 | Bell, Signe | signe | signe@udel.edu | | | Director, Nonprofit & Community Programs | | | | Policy Scientist, CCRS | | | Nonprofit management and training, Nonprofit sector research, Community development and revitalization, Civic engagement | 110 West 10th Street, Suite 812 | (302) 573-4494 | | | <img alt="Signe Bell" src="/Images%20Bios/Bell_Signe.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 229 | Brel-Fournier, Yuliya | ulenka | ulenka@udel.edu | | | | | | | Assistant Policy Scientist, CADSR | | | | 286 Graham Hall | 732-610-5853 | /Documents%20Bios%20CVs/Yuliya-Brel-CV.pdf | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Brel-Fournier_Yuliya.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 35 | Burns, Haley Q. | hqaissa | hqaissa@udel.edu | | | | | | | Assistant Policy Scientist, IPA | | | | 182 Graham Hall | | | | <img alt="Haley Q. Burns" src="/Images%20Bios/HaleyQaissaunee.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 166 | Corrozi Narvaez, Martha | mcorrozi | mcorrozi@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, IPA | Associate Director, Water Resources Center | | Regional watershed technical and policy support, Water resources research, education, and outreach | DGS Annex | 302-831-4931 | | | <img alt="Martha Corrozi Narvaez" src="/Images%20Bios/Narvaez_Martha.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 179 | DeCoursey, William J. | decourse | decourse@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Policy Scientist, IPA | | | Local and regional comprehensive planning, Transportation research and planning, Healthy / walkable communities | DGS Annex | 302-831-4925 | | | <img alt="William J. DeCoursey" src="/Images%20Bios/DeCoursey_William.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 29 | Emmons, Michael | mjej | mjej@udel.edu | Associate Policy Scientist | | | Assistant Director, CHAD | | | | | Architectural Historian | | 331 Alison Hall | 302-831-3872 | | | <img alt="Michael Emmons" src="/Images%20Bios/Michael_Emmons.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 27 | Gifford, Katie | katig | katig@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, CCRS | Health Policy Fellow | | | 298 Graham Hall | 302-831-1191 | | | <img alt="Katie Gifford" src="/Images%20Bios/Gifford_Kathryn-ME-101823-004%20(1).jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 215 | Gross, Rebecca | rbedford | rbedford@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Policy Scientist, CADSR | Associate Director, CADSR | | | 287 Graham Hall | 302-831-8406 | | | <img alt="Rebecca Gross" src="/Images%20Bios/Bedford_Rebecca.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 259 | Harris, Matthew | mlharris | mlharris@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Policy Scientist, IPA | | | | DGS Annex | | | | <img alt="Matthew Harris" src="/Images%20Bios/Harris_Matthew.jpeg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 4 | Hesketh, Roger | rogergh | rogergh@udel.edu | | | Director, Community Revitalization | | | | Associate Policy Scientist, CCRS | | | | 100 West 10th Street, Suite 812 | (302) 573-4438 | | | <img alt="Roger Hesketh" src="/Images%20Bios/Hesketh_Roger.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 165 | Homsey, Andrew R. | ahomsey | ahomsey@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Policy Scientist, IPA | GIS Services Coordinator | | Computer-based geospatial techniques, Remote sensing of the environment, Computer apps in planning and water resources | DGS Annex | 302-831-4932 | | | <img alt="Andrew Homsey" src="/Images%20Bios/Homsey_Andrew.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 248 | Jordan, Joy V. | jvjwil | jvjwil@udel.edu | | | | | | | Assistant Policy Scientist, IPA | | | | 177B Graham Hall | 302-831-0988 | | | <img alt="Portrait Joy Jordan wearing a black dress and pearl necklace" src="/Images%20Bios/Jordan_Joy.jpeg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 295 | Kaplan, Katy | katykap | katykap@udel.edu | | | | | | | Research Assistant Professor | | | | 298H Graham Hall | 302-831-0362 | | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Kaplan_Katharine_(Katy)-ME-110123-011.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 164 | Kauffman, Gerald J. | jerryk | jerryk@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Professor | Director, Water Resources Center | | Water Science and Policy | DGS Annex, 261 Academy St. | 302-831-4929 | /Documents%20Bios%20CVs/Kauffman-Gerald-cv.pdf | Gerald Kauffman is Director of the UD Water Resources Center, one of the 54 National Institutes for Water Resources designated by Congress at land grant universities in the U.S. Dr. Kauffman holds faculty appointments in the Biden School, Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Geography and teaches, researches, and writes about water science and policy. | <img alt="Gerald J. Kauffman" src="/Images%20Bios/Kauffman_Gerald.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 300 | Kelly Thompson, Amanda | aekelly | aekelly@udel.edu | | | | | | | Program Coordinator, Biden Institute | | | | | | | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/placeholder%20(portrait).png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 196 | Laznik, John | jlaz | jlaz@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Policy Specialist, CADSR | | | | 289 Graham Hall | 302-831-0479 | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/Documents%20Bios%20CVs/john-laznik-cv.pdf | | <img alt="John Laznik" src="/Images%20Bios/Laznik_John.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 1 | Marshall, Sarah | smar | smar@udel.edu | | | | | | | Communications Specialist, IPA | Associate Policy Scientist, IPA | | | 180A Graham Hall | 302-831-4954 | | | <img alt="Sarah Marshall" src="/Images%20Bios/Pragg_Sarah.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 150 | McColl, Rebecca | bmccoll | bmccoll@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Policy Scientist | | | | 297 Graham Hall | 302-831-1086 | | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/McColl_Becky.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 209 | McDuffie, Mary Joan | mcduffie | mcduffie@udel.edu | | | Director, Medicaid Research | | | | Policy Scientist, CCRS | | | Health policy research, Program evaluation | 298L Graham Hall | 302-831-3788 | | | <img alt="Mary Joan McDuffie" src="/Images%20Bios/placeholder%20(portrait).png" width="360" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 49 | McLaughlin, Cathy | CMcLaughlin | bideninstitute@udel.edu | | | | | | | Executive Director, Biden Institute | | | | 44 Kent Way | | | | <img alt="Cathy McLaughlin" src="/Images%20Bios/McLaughlin_Cathy_003.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 72 | Metraux, Stephen | metraux | metraux@udel.edu | | | Director, CCRS | | | | Associate Professor | | | | 298G Graham Hall | 302-831-4855 | /Documents%20Bios%20CVs/stephen-metraux-cv.pdf | Stephen Metraux is director of the Center for Community Research and Service and associate professor of public policy at the University of Delaware. Dr. Metraux, a recognized expert on housing and homelessness, has pioneered using administrative and survey data to assess housing outcomes, services use across systems, and impacts of housing and services interventions among homeless and formerly homeless households. | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Metraux_Stephen-2018-08.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 257 | Milord, Sophonie | smilord | smilord@udel.edu | | | | | | | Communications Specialist I | | | | 180 Graham Hall | 302-831-6143 | | | <img alt="Sophonie Milord" src="/Images%20Bios/Milord_Sophonie.jpeg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 201 | Minni, Nicole M. | nicolem | nminni@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Policy Scientist, IPA | GIS and Graphics Specialist | | | Pollution Ecology Lab Room 109 | 302-645-4353 | | | <img alt="Nicole Minni" src="/Images%20Bios/Minni_Nicole.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 254 | Mitsdarffer, Mary Louise | mmits | MMits@udel.edu | | | | | | | Assistant Professor | | | U.S. policy and children’s health and well-being; Immigration enforcement policy and Latine/x kids; health disparities | 298L Graham Hall | | | As an interdisciplinary scholar, Dr. Mitsdarffer
uses a mix of applied quantitative, qualitative and archival methods in her work. Her research focuses on the intersection of policy, children's social determinants of health, and life course development. Mitsdarffer's research interests include: U.S. policy and children’s health and well-being; immigration enforcement policy and Latine/x kids; health disparities and health equity; quantitative methods and mixed methods. | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Mitsdarffer_Mary-ME-080222.jpeg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 163 | Mix, Troy D. | mix | mix@udel.edu | Instructor | | | | | Policy Scientist and Associate Director, IPA | | | | Regional economic development, planning, and governance, Universities and economic development, Analysis methods | 178A Graham Hall | 302-831-6191 | /Documents%20Bios%20CVs/troy-mix-cv.pdf | | <img alt="Troy D. Mix" src="/Images%20Bios/Mix_Troy.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 190 | Moreland Allred, Lisa | lisam | lisamk@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, IPA | Program Manager, Legislative Fellows Program | Adjunct Faculty | State and local government, issues in higher education, internship and career preparation, public and nonprofit admini | 179C Graham Hall | 302-831-4955 | | | <img alt="Lisa Moreland" src="/Images%20Bios/Allred_Lisa_Moreland.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 28 | Morrissey, Catherine | cmorriss | cmorriss@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Director, Center for Historic Architecture & Design | Policy Scientist | Director, Mid-Atlantic Historic Buildings and Landscape Survey and of CHAD's Historic Byways Project | | 331B Alison Hall | 302-831-8356 | | | <img alt="Catherine Morrissey" src="/images%20bios/Morrissey_Cate-2017-07.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 3 | Morrow, Christina | cgarrett | cgarrett@udel.edu | | | | | | | Director, Public Allies | | | | 100 West 10th Street Suite 812 | 302-573-4438 | | | <img alt="Christina Morrow" src="/Images%20Bios/Morrow_Tina.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 213 | Murphy, Kathleen M. | kmurphy | kmmurphy@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist and Associate Director, IPA | Instructor | | | 177 Graham Hall | 302-831-2927 | /Documents%20Bios%20CVs/Kathy-Murphy-CV.pdf | Kathy Murphy is the Associate Director of the Institute for Public Administration and the Coordinator of the Conflict Resolution Program at UD. She holds a secondary faculty appointment in the Joseph R. Biden School of Public Policy and Administration where she teaches conflict resolution and organizational leadership courses. | <img alt="Kathleen M. Murphy" src="/Images%20Bios/Murphy_Kathy-2015-08.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 151 | Nescott, Erin | eplynch | eplynch@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Policy Scientist | | | | 297 Graham Hall | 302-831-1689 | | | <img alt="Photo of Erin Nescott" src="/Images%20Bios/Lynch_Erin-020520-010.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 184 | O'Hanlon, Julia | jusmith | jusmith@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, IPA | Health and Aging Policy Services Coordinator | Staff Liaison, Delaware League of Local Governments | Aging-related policy issues, Intergovernmental relations, Local government | 181 Graham Hall | 302-831-6224 | | | <img alt="Julia O'Hanlon" src="/Images%20Bios/OHanlon_Julia.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 15 | O'Malley, Francis J. | fomalley | fomalley@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, IPA | Project Director, Delaware's Center for Civic Education | | | 177 Graham Hall | 302-831-1557 | | | <img alt="Francis O'Malley" src="/Images%20Bios/OMalley_Francis.jpg" width="640" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 32 | O'Neill, Sean T. | oneill | oneill@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, IPA | | | Local & Regional Community Planning, Real Estate Development, Economic Development, Healthy Communities | DGS Annex | 302-831-4930 | | | <img alt="Sean O'Neill" src="/Images%20Bios/ONeill_Sean.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 200 | Racca, David | dracca | dracca@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, CADSR | | | | 284 Graham Hall | 302-831-1698 | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/Documents%20Bios%20CVs/david-racca-CV.pdf | | <img alt="David Racca" src="/Images%20Bios/Racca_David.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 237 | Reitz, Jennifer Leister | jreitz | jreitz@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, IPA | | | | | 610-608-2723 | | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Reitz_Jennifer.jpg" width="640" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 250 | Robinson, Alaina V. | alainar | alainar@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Specialist II, IPA | | | Post-secondary education, college accessibility, teacher diversity recruitment and retention, educational equity, policy | 181 Graham Hall | | | | <img alt="Portrait of Alaina Robinson wearing a grey suit jacket and pearls." src="/Images%20Bios/Robinson_Alaina.jpeg?RenditionID=14" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 156 | Romond, Rachael | rromond | rromond@udel.edu | | | | | | | Training Coordinator, CCRS | | | | 812 Center for Community Research and Service | 302-573-4438 | | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Romond_Rachael.jpg" width="640" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 249 | Shaffer, Timothy J. | tshaffer | tshaffer@udel.edu | | | | | | Senior Faculty Fellow, IPA | SNF Ithaca Director | Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Chair of Civil Discourse | | | 278B Graham Hall | | | As an interdisciplinary scholar and practitioner of civil discourse, deliberative democracy, public engagement, civic education, and small group communication, Shaffer focuses on the role of civic professionals in institutional settings such as local government, higher education, and non-governmental organizations in relationship with diverse communities. | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Shaffer_Timothy-2022-029.jpg" width="640" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 183 | Sherretz, Kelly L. | kscollon | kscollon@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, IPA | Education Services Coordinator | | eacher and administrator recruitment and retention, Strategic Planning, Organizational management, Planning, Education | 181 Graham Hall | 302-831-4271 | | | <img alt="Kelly Sherretz" src="/Images%20Bios/Sherretz_Kelly.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 60 | Showell, Kim | kshowell | kshowell@udel.edu | | | | Historic Preservation Specialist | | | Policy Specialist II | | | | 331 Alison Hall | 302-831-3897 | | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Showell_Kimberley-2018-14.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 260 | Spagnolo, Lori | lorispag | lorispag@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, IPA | | | | DGS Annex | | | | <img alt="Lori Spagnolo" src="/Images%20Bios/Spagnolo_Lori.jpeg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 301 | Spina, Kim | kimspina | kimspina@udel.edu | | | | | | | Events Manager, Biden Institute | | | | | | | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/placeholder%20(portrait).png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 5 | Yeow, Jennie | jenniey | jenniey@udel.edu | | | | | | | Training Coordinator, CCRS | | | | 100 West 10th Street Suite 812 | 302-573-4438 | | | <img alt="Jennie Yeow" src="/Images%20Bios/Yeow_Jennie.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |