Innovative Courses in a Supportive Learning Environment
Leadership is a team effort that requires you to understand other people and yourself, so our students gain deep insights into their own personalities, desires, traits, and strengths. Classes are small and interactive to provide students ample hands-on opportunities to build skills and practice leadership strategies. Through partnerships with private, non-profit and public organizations, students work side-by-side with professionals and community leaders to design and implement change strategies for organizational improvements. Faculty are dedicated to our students academic growth and their personal development, and are committed to providing effective academic advisement services.
Course topics you will explore:
- Creative
problem solving
- Effective
- Communication
- Innovative
- And more!
Major Curriculum Requirements
Students must complete 18 credits and meet specific
requirements as found in the UD catalog.
Study Abroad Programs
Organizational & Community Leadership program usually offers one
study abroad each winter session. Students travel with faculty, and
generally enroll in two courses. OCL majors may also join are numerous other study abroad programs planned by Biden School faculty.
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