30-credit research and experience-based disaster management degree
The curriculum requirements for your M.S. Disaster Science and Management degree program will depend upon whether you choose the thesis or the non-thesis option. The 30-credit non-thesis option is designed to be completed in 18 months and includes winter and summer sessions. The 33-credit thesis-option, appropriate for students intending to go on for doctoral study, is designed to be completed in two years. View the 2022-23 plan of study and course meeting dates.
Courses include:
Three core courses (9 credits):
- DISA 650 - Overview of Disaster Science and Management
- DISA 652 - Issues in Disaster Recovery
- DISA 670 – Issues in Disaster Response
3 credits in research methods
3 credits in public policy and organizational decision making
9 credits of disaster science electives
2 credits in professional development seminars
1 credit practicum
3 credit internship -OR- 6 credits of thesis research.
The internship may be a traditional internship or other applied experience commensurate with the student's interests and experience, and with approval of internship coordinator.
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