| Are applications accepted after the priority dates? | <div class="ExternalClass3F5CEB2E469B4EB0B7832EF9BAF669CD"><p>Yes.
However, full-time applicants who meet the January 15 deadline are given
priority consideration for research assistantship placements. Final deadlines
for application are May 1 for all doctoral applicants, July 1 for fall semester master's applicants (for MS DISA: August 1) and December 1 for spring
semester (spring admission is only available to MPP and MPA applicants). PhD cohorts begin in fall semesters only. Please see full details here: https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/masters-programs/masters-admissions<br></p></div> | | |
| Do I need submit GRE scores to UD? | <div class="ExternalClassAEF88857C8CB423CB875645CF8B2580A">The Biden School does not require GRE scores for admission into any of our master's or doctoral programs.<br></div> | | |
| Can I have the TOEFL requirement waived? | <div class="ExternalClassC4D0032C98DF403E87458933FB74787D"><p>The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is required of all international applicants unless a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree has been or will be earned from a university recognized by the ministry of education in a country where English is the primary language. We cannot waive the TOEFL requirement for education in a country that does not meet these requirements, even if your instruction was conducted in English. Please see more details on the UD Graduate Admissions Test Scores website here: <span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span>https://www.udel.edu/academics/colleges/grad/prospective-students/grad-admissions/test-scores/<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span><br></p></div> | | |
| Do you accept IELTS scores? | <div class="ExternalClass487DB0FA55DE4C0F9B8305EB1E51B3D4"><p>Yes. The Biden School accepts IELTS and TOEFL scores as indicated on the Graduate Admissions Test Score website: <span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span>https://www.udel.edu/academics/colleges/grad/prospective-students/grad-admissions/test-scores/<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span><br></p></div> | | |
| Should I apply even if I do not meet all of the preferred admissions criteria? | <div class="ExternalClassEDCA3E449E894FC4B93E75888B5F4727"><p>The <a href="https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/masters-programs/masters-admissions/admission-criteria">admission criteria</a> that we have established are used by the admission committees as guidelines in their review of applications to our graduate programs. However, we do review each applicant as a whole person, where weaknesses in some areas can certainly be offset by strengths in others. So if you are slightly below one of the criteria points, you would still be encouraged to apply–your personal statement essay is a great place to discuss why you feel you would be a good fit for the program and also explain any circumstances regarding your grades or test scores that you would like to bring to the attention of the admissions committee. <br></p></div> | | |
| Once I've been admitted, how do I register for classes for my first semester? | <div class="ExternalClassDA47FAC30BAF4C0FA625DAF8B5940355"><p>You will be contacted by Biden School's main office with a list of available courses shortly before orientation, approximately 3 weeks before the start of the semester. New students do not need to be concerned about registering early to reserve a seat in your courses.</p><p>New students may complete course registration prior to meeting with an advisor at orientation if you have a loan which requires them to be registered before the money can be disbursed. All other new students should wait to register for classes until you meet with their advisor at orientation. If you need assistance, contact Tara Schleiniger (tschlein@udel.edu) in 184 Graham Hall.</p><p>All students must be registered by the end of the late registration or drop/add period, which is usually about 2 weeks after the start of the semester.</p><h4>Academic Advising</h4><p>Your advisor and/or research center faculty may suggest a combination of core courses and introductory specialization courses. Students are free to change advisors at any time. Forms to change advisors are available at the Biden School administration office in 184 Graham Hall.</p><h4>Registering</h4><p>Once you receive advisement, there are a number of ways you can actually register:</p><ul><li>online using the <a target="_blank" href="https://cas.nss.udel.edu/cas/login?service=https://udel.onecampus.com/launch-task/all/udsisstudent">UDSIS</a> (Student Information System)<br></li><li>register at the Biden School administration office in 184 Graham Hall</li></ul><p>You will need to establish a <a href="https://services.udel.edu/TDClient/32/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=26">UDelNet ID</a> and password in order to use the UDSIS system to register.</p><p>It would be a good idea to become familiar with the required or core courses for your degree program and the specialization courses from which you may choose.</p><p>Please visit the <a href="https://www.udel.edu/academics/registrar/students/grading-registration/class-registration/">class registration</a> page for additional information, tips and guidelines.<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p></div> | | |
| I went to UD as an undergrad. Will that help or hurt my chances of admission? | <div class="ExternalClass43E5A90E9E974A95986A1AA52237E609"><p>We are quite familiar with the quality of UD academic programs, as
well as UD professors who may provide recommendations. We seek to admit
academically talented students, no matter their undergraduate institutions.
We also look to admit a diverse class in terms of undergraduate institutions,
majors, cultures, and life experiences. Being a UD alumni doesn’t help, nor
hurt, your chances of admission.</p></div> | | |
| Can I apply for spring admission? | <div class="ExternalClass08A6329B412C4709A254E23E123C13B0"><p>The following programs accept spring applications: MPP, MPA (both on-campus and online), and MPH in Health Policy and Management. Please keep in mind, the majority of
available research assistantships are awarded for fall admission. There are
limited funding opportunities in the spring semester. Please find application deadlines here: <span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span>https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/masters-programs/masters-admissions<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span><br></p></div> | | |
| What undergraduate majors do you prefer to admit? | <div class="ExternalClass8C6D759B2AF0493B82C117027D4134C6"><p>We
welcome applications for the master’s programs from ANY undergraduate major.
Our programs are interdisciplinary in nature, so all academic backgrounds
from an accredited college or university are welcome and respected. At the
same time, it is helpful for students to have some exposure to the social
sciences. Depending on the program, many students find having some background
in economics and statistics very useful and helpful.</p></div> | | |
| What should I look for among the programs I am considering? | <div class="ExternalClass74FF2CB7CD734BD49AC3615071FDF9F5"><p>Different
applicants look for different qualities in graduate programs. You should look
for strength in the attributes most important to you. Surveys show that our
graduate students chose UD because of our strong academic programs, our
"Delaware Model" (integration of academic theory and professional
practice), the internship program, and the availability of their desired area
of focus or specialization.</p></div> | | |
| How do I set up a visit? | <div class="ExternalClass7BFCF5C2F37D4C68B20D9B9685381DBE"><p>We
welcome you to schedule a <a href="/masters-programs/masters-admissions/visit">visit</a> to learn more about our programs. However,
before you arrive, we’d like for you to spend time reviewing our web site,
program and curriculum information to facilitate better conversations with
faculty. </p><p>
We’d also like to get to know more about you so we can set up a productive
visit. Please be prepared to let us know which area of focus or
specialization and research center(s) you’re considering. You can also submit
a resume to help us match you with appropriate people during your visit and
let us know your major, previous college or university, and GPA. Then,
contact the Biden School office at (302) 831-1687 or email us
at bidenschool@udel.edu. We’ll arrange a personalized set of meetings with
faculty and/or students and staff.</p></div> | | |
| What makes the Biden School of Public Policy & Administration at UD stand out? | <div class="ExternalClass4ACF0F4D11DC4B2A9E6DCEF31CFDCD5A"><p>We are
told that the opportunities and the people are what sets us apart from other
public affairs institutions. Through our program of research assistantships,
our students have remarkable opportunities for professional development. Biden School
is also a community of people dedicated to our field and supporting student
success. Our positive atmosphere is an attribute that impresses many visitors
and is valued and enjoyed by those in our community.</p></div> | | |
| When will I hear about an admissions decision? | <div class="ExternalClassA8A4613D0B8F47C2A637CBB83DDBD08B"><p>Every
application is important to us, and we strive to be thorough with each one!
All applications are individually reviewed by respective program admissions
committee. All decisions are rendered as quickly as possible. The first round
of admissions reviews and decisions are generally made by mid-February to
those of the applicant pool who are most qualified. Admission notifications
are communicated quickly, following some additional admissions
Once students admitted in the first round have decided whether to accept
UD’s offer, there may be additional spaces in the class or funding slots
available, so some applicants may hear in April or May. In a few cases,
especially those who apply late, may hear over the summer.</p></div> | | |
| If I get accepted and want to enroll at Delaware, what are the next steps? | <div class="ExternalClass30EA789828464A7DBDE0BA5CAF4EBBF8"><p>You will be formally
notified of your admissions decision from the UD Graduate College. You will need to send back your form indicating
whether you accept the admissions offer. If you are awarded a research
assistantship, in a few weeks or so you will be sent an email with
pertinent details along with a contract. Please sign and return the contract
by the deadline indicated on the contract. Once you return your forms
accepting the admissions offer and the research assistantship contract, your
next official communication from the Biden <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>School of Public Policy &
Administration will come in late July. This letter will contain information
for new students about orientation, registering for classes, etc.</p></div> | | |
| Can I be granted conditional admission to your program? | <div class="ExternalClass12CB83C500154B1A9FD24A49A0158956"><p>The Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master of Public Policy (MPP) and Master of Public Health (MPH) in Health Policy and Management programs offers conditional admission
when English language training is needed. In order to apply for conditional
admission, you would need to complete a <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>program application as well as apply to the Conditional
Admission Program (CAP) through our English Language Institute. You can
direct any inquires about CAP admissions to: <a href="mailto:CAPadmissions@udel.edu">CAPadmissions@udel.edu</a></p></div> | | |
| Do I need to take the TOEFL? What TOEFL score is needed for admission? | <div class="ExternalClassC0FB4DD468E5443C8716BBB225EF1E92"><p>The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is the standard University requirement to show proof of English language proficiency. The Biden School will also accept IELTS (Academic version) in place of the TOEFL. The Biden School will accept english proficiency tests with minimum scores <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>as indicated on the UD Graduate Admissions website here: https://www.udel.edu/academics/colleges/grad/prospective-students/grad-admissions/test-scores/ On this website you can also find the details and qualifications for an English Proficiency waiver.<br></p></div> | | |
| Can I mail in my transcript? | <div class="ExternalClassBB27734296694A4AB740510FEF1F0D12"><p>No - do
not mail official transcripts during the applicant stage. Everything for your
application should be submitted online, electronically.<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p></div> | | |
| I’m experiencing technical difficulty with my application. Who can assist me? | <div class="ExternalClass6D3EFCFCAD6B4F32A641C1691E259918"><p>Please reach out to the UD Graduate College for assistance at <a href="mailto:gradadmissions@udel.edu">gradadmissions@udel.edu</a> or (302) 831-6824. More information on how to get in touch is available on the <a href="https://www.udel.edu/academics/colleges/grad/about-us/contact-us/">UD Graduate College website</a>.<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p></div> | | |
| Do I need to send in an official transcript? | <div class="ExternalClass96A6A326120B4A77B0053C66AEAE8602"><p>No - when you
initially apply, you can and should just scan and upload an unofficial
transcript. If/when an official transcript is needed, you will be notified
and given steps for submission.</p></div> | | |
| What is the application deadline? | <div class="ExternalClassF1510989F57241A89BCFC1B0CCC9A045"><p>December 15 is the priority deadline for Biden School doctoral programs, January
15 is the priority application deadline for Biden School master's programs. Admissions occur on a rolling basis until the final deadline of May 1 for doctoral programs and July 1 for master's programs.
Please note that applications received by the priority dates receive optimal
consideration for admissions and/or available funding, but applications are
still permitted after the priority deadline has passed. <br></p></div> | | |
| Who should write my letters of recommendation? | <div class="ExternalClassC19359930881407A96B099F1001C6BD6"><p>Three references are required. Think carefully about who you will ask to complete a recommendation on your behalf for your graduate program application. An ideal recommender will be able to comment on your ability to succeed in the program to which you are applying, including the dimensions of research aptitude, intellectual potential, effective communication (both oral and written), maturity, ability to work well with others, capacity for analyzing a problem and formulate a solution, personal motivation for selected program of study, potential for leadership and career advancement.</p><p>We recommend that recent graduates submit at least one (and preferably more) academic references from former professors. Those applicants who have been in the workforce for several years and who are not able to obtain academic references may submit three professional references. For example, a workplace training instructor may be able to comment on dimensions such as intellectual potential or individual approach to problem solving.</p><p>Personal references from friends, neighbors, family members and associates of family members are discouraged; these references are not particularly helpful in the graduate school application process. </p><p>Be mindful of application due dates and allow plenty of time to obtain your recommendations. The admissions committee cannot act on your application until it is complete.</p></div> | | |
| What should my personal statement / essay include? | <div class="ExternalClass923FD23DE09C463BAE495EFA3808BC60"><p>The essay is a very important and critical component of your graduate program application. It allows you to demonstrate and communicate your individual and unique qualifications–why you want to study in our program, what are your educational goals, career aspirations, experiences, values, and why you fit and would be an asset our program. Writing skills, critical thinking and conceptualizing are fundamental to success in graduate school. The essay is a highly effective way to demonstrate those skills and your "voice" directly into the process.</p><h3>Personal Statement Questions</h3><p>Answers to the following should be submitted, as applicable to you, as part of your essay:</p><ol><li><p>What are your vocational objectives and how will your proposed plan of graduate study relate to them and allow you to achieve them?</p></li><li><p>Within you major field, are there special areas of interest to you? Please explain.</p></li><li><p>Are there any special circumstances related to your academic record that you wish to explain or that we should know?</p></li></ol><h3>Hints for Application Essays</h3><ul><li><p><strong>There are no length requirements,</strong> but average essays are approximately one to two double spaced letter-sized pages per question (particularly for questions one and two). Successful Ph.D. applications are generally more substantive.</p></li><li><p>Before submitting your statement electronically, compose your essay in a word processing program that allows you to effectively edit it, looking for compositional and typographical errors.</p></li><li><p>The essay questions are purposely open-ended. Admissions committees read numerous personal statements. Memorable, creative, and articulate essays will set you apart from other applicants.<strong></strong></p></li><li><p><strong>If you wish to be considered for a research assistantship, consider your graduate school application to also be a professional job application.</strong> Demonstrate how you will fit into our organizational structure with respect to research assistantships and the <a href="/research-public-service/research-public-service-centers" target="_blank">research and public service center</a> program areas.</p></li><li><p>Successful Ph.D. applicants often demonstrate how their research and/or public service interests fit or complement those of the faculty. This, many times, can also be true for master's students.</p></li><li><p>Essays help us match successful applicants with an advisor and can provide information on matching applicants with research assistantship placements.</p></li><li><p>Your essay also serves as a personal writing sample. Writing is a very critical component of graduate school. We expect students to have accomplished, polished writing skills before entering our graduate program. Moreover, your recommenders should comment on your writing ability; the essay is your chance<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span> to demonstrate your writing abilities to the admissions committee. Edit and proofread your essay very carefully before submission.</p></li></ul></div> | | |
| Can or should I mail in my application materials? | <div class="ExternalClass9C8171D776934CB586EAFE665FAB2A2E"><p>No - do not mail in any paperwork for your application. Everything for your
application should be submitted online, electronically. If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the online application, please email <a href="mailto:gradadmissions@udel.edu">gradadmissions@udel.edu</a> for assistance.<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p></div> | | |
| How can I check the status of my application? | <div class="ExternalClass2A4253EEF56B4E65A6DB55B5920B72F1"><p>You can
check the status of your application using the self-managed online
application system administered through the UD Graduate College. Follow the directions you received following your
initial application submission to update and monitor the status of your
application. If you have difficulty with your account or have a question, you
can email <a href="mailto:gradadmissions@udel.edu">gradadmissions@udel.edu</a> or contact the Biden School of Public Policy &
Administration at 302-831-1687 or <a href="mailto:sppa@udel.edu">bidenschool@udel.edu</a>.</p></div> | | |