| Mary Kuna | 2012 | M.A. Urban Affairs and Public Policy | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/Images Profile Alumnus/Mary Kuna.jpeg | Executive Director, Cumberland County Housing and Redevelopment Authorities | Mary Kuna graduated from the University of Delaware with her Master of the Arts in Urban Affairs and Public Policy in 2012. During her time at UD, she felt fortunate to intern with the City of Newark and the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce. It was the catalyst into a successful career in economic development. Her profession took her to work in three states and implement significant economic development initiatives at both the County and City levels. She was one of the youngest professionals in the nation to become a Certified Economic Developer (CEcD) from the International Economic Development Council and have since transitioned to a career in redevelopment and housing.<div><br>She is currently the Executive Director of the Cumberland County Housing and Redevelopment Authorities. The Masters in Urban Affairs and Public Policy program offered her the opportunity to take a diversity of classes. Over her career, understanding public policy, urban planning, historic preservation and GIS have given her an edge over other candidates leading her to become one of the youngest women to hold my level of position in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. <br></div> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/Images Profile Alumnus/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=69 | |
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