| Angela Gladwell | 1998 | M.A. | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/Images Profile Alumnus/Angela Gladwell.jpg | Director, Office of Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) | <p>
</p><p>Angela Gladwell (M.A. ’98) is currently Director of the
Office of Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (OEHP) at the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in Washington, DC. Angela has over
15 years of experience in environmental planning in the context of emergency
management decision making. OEHP manages and oversees FEMA’s compliance with
federal environmental planning and historic preservation laws and executive
orders, which is required when FEMA takes actions or provides funding to communities.
Angela has been instrumental in significantly maturing this FEMA function and
establishing and developing OEHP as an office (2008). OEHP plays a key role in
helping to inform FEMA decision-making across the spectrum of their programs,
and has contributed to national dialogues such as the role of natural resources
and climate change in disaster resiliency as well the community-based
importance of historic and cultural resources during disaster preparedness,
mitigation, response, and recovery. Most recently, Angela and her team led the
development and implementation of a “Unified Federal Review” process across 13
federal departments and agencies; this process applies a consistent compliance
approach to inter-agency disaster recovery efforts, as required by the Sandy
Recovery Improvement Act (2013). </p><p>Angela has received a number of awards and recognition for
her work, including the DHS Environmental Achievement Award (2005), the
University of Delaware Presidential Citation for Outstanding Achievement
(2005), and a FEMA Administrator Award for Outstanding Survivor Services
(2011).</p><p>Angela currently resides in Manassas, Virginia, with her
husband and two children, where she is active with both the Boy and Girl Scouts
of America.</p> | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/Images Profile Alumnus/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=11 | |
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