| University of Delaware | 188 Graham Hall | Newark, DE 19716 | <div class="ExternalClass3C31C418233C4A189CBF788AF2FE1E85"><p></p><div>Amy Ellen Schwartz is professor of public policy at the University of Delaware’s Biden School and professor emeritus at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School and NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service. </div><div><br></div><div>Her research spans a broad range of topics in education, urban economics and public policy focusing on the nexus of schools, neighborhoods and public services and children’s academic, social and health outcomes. Current IES-funded work examines the link between transportation, school choice, commuting and student outcomes. Her current NIH-funded study examines the impact of COVID-19 on the health and education of New York City public school children, and the neighborhood/school factors that shaped student success. Continuing projects include research on the impact of public housing on children, the links between height and weight and academic outcomes, and the causes and consequences of absenteeism. <br></div><div><br></div><div>Schwartz is a leading expert on the use of large-scale administrative micro-data sets for policy research, drawing on more than twenty years of collaborative research using detailed micro-data on the education and health of NYC public school children, their housing, schools, neighborhoods, retail establishments and taxation. </div><div><br></div><div>She currently serves on the APPAM policy council, the National Advisory Council for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Systems for Action Program, and on editorial boards for various journals, including the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Journal of Housing Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, and Education Finance and Policy. </div><div><br></div><div>Professor Schwartz previously served as dean of the University of Delaware’s Biden School, director of NYU’s Institute for Education and Social Policy and editor of Education Finance and Policy. <br></div><div><br></div></div> | <div class="ExternalClassFCD601D542BE44D5B21EABA7D21C5FD7"><p>Co-Principal Investigator. “School Choice Policy Research Center: A National Research Partnership to Improve School Choice for Disadvantaged Students.” Funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES)/DOE. 2016-2023.</p><p>Principal Investigator. “Between Home and School: The School Bus and Student Outcomes.” Funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). 2017-2020.</p><p>Co-Principal Investigator. "The Impact of the Built Environment on Child BMI." with Brian Ebel. Funded by New York University (NYU)/National Institute of Health (NIH). 2016-2021.</p><p>Co-Principal Investigator. “Special Education Policy Reforms: Equal Opportunity at Last?” Funded by New York University (NYU)/Spencer Foundation. 2015-2017.</p><p>Co-Principal Investigator. “Impact of the Food Environment on Child Body Mass Index,” with Brian Ebel. Funded by New York University (NYU) /National Institute of Health (NIH). 2013-2017.<br></p></div> | <div class="ExternalClass78C4A422D71B49B49159377191C80513"><p></p><p>David A. Jaeger, Jaime Arellano-Bover, Krzysztof Karbownik, Marta Martínez-Matute, John M. Nunley, R. Alan Seals, <strong>Amy Ellen Schwartz</strong>, et al. (2021). “The Global COVID-19 Student Survey: First Wave Results.” Covid Economics, 79(27 May 2021): 152-217. </p><p><strong>Amy Ellen Schwartz</strong>, Jacob Leos-Urbel, and Mathew Wiswall. (2021). “Making Summer Matter: The Impact of Youth Employment on Academic Performance.” Quantitative Economics, 12(2): 477- 504. </p><p><strong>Amy Ellen Schwartz</strong>, Bryant Gregory Hopkins, and Leanna Stiefel. (2021). “The Effects of Special Education on the Academic Performance of Students with Learning Disabilities.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 40(2): 480-520. </p><p>Trajkovski, S., Zabel, J., and <strong>Amy Ellen Schwartz</strong> (2021). “Do School Buses Make School Choice Work?” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 86:103607. </p><p>Leanna Stiefel, Menbere Shiferaw, <strong>Amy Ellen Schwartz</strong>, and Michael Gottfried (2020). “Is Special Education Improving? Evidence on Segregation, Outcomes, and Spending from New York City.” Journal of Disability Policy Studies. </p><p>Pasquale Rummo, Erilia Wu, Zachary McDermott, <strong>Amy Ellen Schwartz</strong>, and Brian Elbel (2020). “Relationship between Retail Food Outlets near Public Schools and Adolescent Obesity in New York City.” Health and Place, 65:102408. </p><p>Jeehee Han, <strong>Amy Ellen Schwartz</strong>, and Brian Ebel (2020). “Does Proximity to Fast Food Cause Childhood Obesity? Evidence from Public Housing.” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 84:103565. </p><p><strong>Amy Ellen Schwartz</strong>, Keren Horn, Ingrid Gould Ellen, and Sarah Cordes (2020). “Do Housing Vouchers Improve Academic Performance? Evidence from New York City.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 39(1): 131-158. </p><p><strong>Amy Ellen Schwartz</strong> and Michah Rothbart (2020). “Let Them Eat Lunch: The Impact of Universal Free Meals on Student Performance.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 39(2): 376- 410. </p><p>Brian Elbel, Kosuke Tamura, Zac McDermott, Erilia Wu, and <strong>Amy Ellen Schwartz</strong> (2019). “Childhood Obesity and the Food Environment: A Population-Based Sample of Public School Children in New York City.” Obesity, 28(1): 65-72. </p><p>Michah Rothbart, <strong>Amy Ellen Schwartz</strong>, Thad D. Calabrese, Zachary Papper, Todor Mijanovich, Rachel Meltzer, and Diana Silver. (2019) “What a Difference a Grade Makes: Evidence from New York City's Restaurant Grading Policy.” Public Administration Review, 79(5): 651-665.<br></p></div> | <div class="ExternalClass06CDAF04400D45D887082C735561ACB1"><p>Editorial Board, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2016-present</p><p>Editor, Education Finance and Policy, 2014-present<br></p></div> | | | Recent Grants | Recent Publications | Journal Appointments | | | | aeschwar@udel.edu | /Documents%20Bios%20CVs/amy-ellen-schwartz-cv.pdf | Schwartz, Amy Ellen | | 302-831-4570 | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Amy%20Schwartz_6360%20(1).jpeg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Professor of Public Administration | | | | | | | | | <div class="ExternalClassFBF633789EC34B83850A80A391971A91">Ph.D. in Economics - Columbia University, 1989<br></div><div class="ExternalClassFBF633789EC34B83850A80A391971A91"><br></div><div class="ExternalClassFBF633789EC34B83850A80A391971A91">M.Phil. in Economics - Columbia University, 1986 </div><div class="ExternalClassFBF633789EC34B83850A80A391971A91"><br></div><div class="ExternalClassFBF633789EC34B83850A80A391971A91">M.A. in Economics - Columbia University, 1985 </div><div class="ExternalClassFBF633789EC34B83850A80A391971A91"><br></div><div class="ExternalClassFBF633789EC34B83850A80A391971A91">B.S. with Distinction in Applied Economics - Cornell University, 1983<br><br></div> | | | | | | | | | |