CCRS faculty, staff and graduate students
are available to provide a variety of technical assistance, training and consulting
services to nonprofit and community-based organizations and government
entities. Training and technical assistance are available on a variety of topics
including board governance, strategic planning, and fundraising.
Longer-term and more sustained assistance is also available to provide
support for ongoing initiatives in board development, planning and program
development. Examples of available training and services include:
- BoardSource Board Self-Assessment (BSA)
- BoardSource and Standards for Excellence training sessions
- Board or Staff Retreat Facilitation
- Leadership or Governance Coaching
- Strategic Doing Workshops
- Custom Training Sessions or Series
- Succession Planning
Please contact Signe Bell, Director of Nonprofit and Community Programs, at
302-573-4494 or email at for more information. Ms. Bell
is a Standards for Excellence Institute licensed consultant, BoardSource Certified Governance Consultant and a Certified Workshop Trainer with the Strategic Doing Institute and can bring a wide variety of nonprofit management and leadership expertise to your organization.