| 72 | Metraux, Stephen | metraux | metraux@udel.edu | | | Director, CCRS | | | | Associate Professor | | | | 298G Graham Hall | 302-831-4855 | /Documents%20Bios%20CVs/stephen-metraux-cv.pdf | Stephen Metraux is director of the Center for Community Research and Service and associate professor of public policy at the University of Delaware. Dr. Metraux, a recognized expert on housing and homelessness, has pioneered using administrative and survey data to assess housing outcomes, services use across systems, and impacts of housing and services interventions among homeless and formerly homeless households. | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Metraux_Stephen-2018-08.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 295 | Kaplan, Katy | katykap | katykap@udel.edu | | | | | | | Research Assistant Professor | | | | 298H Graham Hall | 302-831-0362 | | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Kaplan_Katharine_(Katy)-ME-110123-011.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 305 | Obasi, Michelle | mobasi | mobasi@udel.edu | | | | | | | Research Associate II | | | | | | | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Obasi_Michelle-030524-006.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 174 | Barlow, Janice | jls | jls@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, CCRS | Director, KIDS COUNT in Delaware | | Child and family well-being, utilization of data for program planning, policy decision making and accountability | 298K Graham Hall | 302-831-3462 | | | <img alt="Janice Barlow" src="/Images%20Bios/Barlow_Janice.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 180 | Bell, Signe | signe | signe@udel.edu | | | Director, Nonprofit & Community Programs | | | | Policy Scientist, CCRS | | | Nonprofit management and training, Nonprofit sector research, Community development and revitalization, Civic engagement | 110 West 10th Street, Suite 812 | (302) 573-4494 | | | <img alt="Signe Bell" src="/Images%20Bios/Bell_Signe.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 27 | Gifford, Katie | katig | katig@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, CCRS | Health Policy Fellow | | | 298 Graham Hall | 302-831-1191 | | | <img alt="Katie Gifford" src="/Images%20Bios/Gifford_Kathryn-ME-101823-004%20(1).jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 4 | Hesketh, Roger | rogergh | rogergh@udel.edu | | | Director, Community Revitalization | | | | Associate Policy Scientist, CCRS | | | | 100 West 10th Street, Suite 812 | (302) 573-4438 | | | <img alt="Roger Hesketh" src="/Images%20Bios/Hesketh_Roger.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 22 | Jusino, Candace | cjusino | cjusino@udel.edu | | | | | | | Administrative Assistant IV, CCRS | | | | 812 Center for Community Research & Service | 302-573-4438 | | | <img alt="Candace Jusino" src="/Images%20Bios/Jusino_Candace-2017-12.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 246 | Marmo, Kristie | kristiem | kristiem@udel.edu | | | | | | | Administrative Assistant III, IPA & CCRS | | | | 180 Graham Hall | 302-831-1699 | | | <img alt="Kristie Marmo" src="/Images%20Bios/Marmo_Kristie.jpg?RenditionID=14" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 150 | McColl, Rebecca | bmccoll | bmccoll@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Policy Scientist | | | | 297 Graham Hall | 302-831-1086 | | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/McColl_Becky.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 209 | McDuffie, Mary Joan | mcduffie | mcduffie@udel.edu | | | Director, Medicaid Research | | | | Policy Scientist, CCRS | | | Health policy research, Program evaluation | 298L Graham Hall | 302-831-3788 | | | <img alt="Mary Joan McDuffie" src="/Images%20Bios/placeholder%20(portrait).png" width="360" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 254 | Mitsdarffer, Mary Louise | mmits | MMits@udel.edu | | | | | | | Assistant Professor | | | U.S. policy and children’s health and well-being; Immigration enforcement policy and Latine/x kids; health disparities | 298L Graham Hall | | | As an interdisciplinary scholar, Dr. Mitsdarffer
uses a mix of applied quantitative, qualitative and archival methods in her work. Her research focuses on the intersection of policy, children's social determinants of health, and life course development. Mitsdarffer's research interests include: U.S. policy and children’s health and well-being; immigration enforcement policy and Latine/x kids; health disparities and health equity; quantitative methods and mixed methods. | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Mitsdarffer_Mary-ME-080222.jpeg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 3 | Morrow, Christina | cgarrett | cgarrett@udel.edu | | | | | | | Director, Public Allies | | | | 100 West 10th Street Suite 812 | 302-573-4438 | | | <img alt="Christina Morrow" src="/Images%20Bios/Morrow_Tina.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 151 | Nescott, Erin | eplynch | eplynch@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Policy Scientist | | | | 297 Graham Hall | 302-831-1689 | | | <img alt="Photo of Erin Nescott" src="/Images%20Bios/Lynch_Erin-020520-010.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 177 | Peuquet, Steven | spequet | speuquet@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Professor Emeritus | | | Urban planning, Housing, Fair housing, Homelessness, Community revitalization, Nonprofit agency management | | | | Dr. Peuquet retired from the faculty of the University of Delaware in 2019 after 36 years as a full-time teacher, researcher, and public service provider in the Biden School. He is a city planner and economist with expertise in the areas of urban and regional economics, poverty, housing, fair housing, homelessness, community revitalization and the social determinants of health. From 2005 to 2018 he was the director of the school’s Center for Community Research and Service. Now, as an emeritus faculty member, he teaches part-time in these subject areas. He holds master’s degrees from both the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Pennsylvania and earned his Ph.D. in City Planning at the University of Pennsylvania. | <img alt="Steven Peuquet" src="/Images%20Bios/Peuquet_Steven.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 156 | Romond, Rachael | rromond | rromond@udel.edu | | | | | | | Training Coordinator, CCRS | | | | 812 Center for Community Research and Service | 302-573-4438 | | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Romond_Rachael.jpg" width="640" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 285 | Warkentin, Sarah | swarkent | swarkent@udel.edu | | | | | | | Grants Analyst I, CCRS | | | | 191 Graham Hall | | | | <img alt="Sarah Warkentin" src="/Images%20Bios/Warkentin_Sarah.jpeg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 5 | Yeow, Jennie | jenniey | jenniey@udel.edu | | | | | | | Training Coordinator, CCRS | | | | 100 West 10th Street Suite 812 | 302-573-4438 | | | <img alt="Jennie Yeow" src="/Images%20Bios/Yeow_Jennie.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |