The online KIDS COUNT Data Center
tool offers data on education, employment and income, poverty, health, and youth at-risk factors. We invite you to discover ways to customize the visualizations and join us in using the data to make informed decisions by investing in Delaware's biggest asset, our kids.
Making Sense of the Numbers
- KIDS COUNT in Delaware uploads the most current and reliable data available to the online data center
- Data that are inadequate or unavailable are denoted by "S" or "NA"
- Accepted names for various racial and ethnic groups are constantly in flux and indicators differ in their terminology. Therefore, KIDS COUNT in Delaware has used the terminology reported by the data collection sources
- Most data presented are for calendar years. Where data collected are by school year or fiscal year, the periods are September 1 to August 31 or July 1 to June 30 respectively
- The data are presented in primarily three ways:
- Annual data
- Three-year and five-year averages to minimize fluctuations of single-year data and provide a more realistic picture of children's outcomes
- Annual, three-year, or five-year average data for decade or longer to illustrate trends and permit long-term comparisons
- Where possible, data are delineated at a sub-state level
- Whether a number, rate, or percentage, each statistic tells us something different about children
- Caution should be exercised when attempting to draw conclusions from percentages or rates which are based on small numbers. Delaware and its counties can show very large or very small percentages as a result of only a few events. Therefore, KIDS COUNT in Delaware encourages you to look at overall trends. The key to evaluation of statistics is to examine everything in context.