CCRS has affiliations with individuals in the field with unique expertise and experiences, enhancing our ability to collaborate on different research and public service projects of mutual interest. We are proud, and grateful, to have the following individuals affiliated with our Center:
Anthony (Tony) Allen, PhD - President, Delaware State University - Senior Policy Fellow
Michel Boudreaux, PhD - Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management, University of Maryland - Policy Fellow
Katie Fitzpatrick, PhD - Associate Professor, Director, Master of Public Policy, Biden School of Public Policy & Administration, University of Delaware - Policy Fellow
Robert Laskowski, MD, MBA - Principal, Laskowski Advisors - Senior Policy Fellow
Victor W. Perez, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of Delaware - Policy Fellow
Brian Rahmer, PhD, MS - Senior Fellow, (WE) Well-being and Equity in the World - Policy Fellow
Breck Robinson, PhD - Associate Professor, Program Director, Public Policy (undergraduate), Biden School of Public Policy & Administration, University of Delaware - Policy Fellow
Jane C. W. Vincent, MPA - President, Delaware Public Media - Senior Policy Fellow