University of Delaware LinksCollege of Arts and SciencesSchool of Public Policy and AdministrationUniversity of Delaware Research OfficeCenter for Political Communication
Survey OrganizationsAmerican Association of Public Opinion ResearchAssociation for Academic Survey Research OrganizationsSurvey Research Laboratory - Uiniversity of IllinoisNORC - University of ChicagoCouncil of American Survey Research Organizations
Direct Access to Selected Datasets available on the Internet
American Communities Project
Data to analyze racial and ethnic composition and segregation of metropolitan areas using 1990 and 2000 Census data . Links to a separate site, The State of Public School Segregation, with similar data at the metro and school district levels, with comparisons back to the 1970 Census. Site content is frequently updated and easy to use. Maintained by the Mumford Center for Comparative Urban and Regional Research, University at Albany.
American Community Survey
Conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau to replace the decennial Census long form. When fully implemented, the ACSwill provide more current demographic, econmic, and housing characteristics for geographic levels comparable to the decennial Census. Tables and maps can be generated from the American Factfinder site
http://factfinder.census.govSummary and public use microdata products are available, although it will be several years before tract and block group summary statistics are published. Statistics for areas with population over 65K were released in 2006, those with populations over 20K will be released in 2008.
American Factfinder
A gateway or portal to several major US Census products: 1990 and 2000 decennial Census of population and housing; annual population estimates; 1997 and 2002 Economic Census; American Community Survey. Retrieve summary tables and maps for display and download, although American Factfinder features are more robust for recent data products than older ones.
American Housing Survey
homepage for American Housing Survey
Conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau on behalf of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Consists of a biennial "core" survey based on a national sample and a metropolitan area survey covering about 20 large urban areas on a 4-year rotating basis.
Provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Microdata, documentation, and publications for the most recent years (mid-1990s+) of the survey. CISER owns years back to the mid-1970s, as does ICPSR.
American National Election Study
ANES homepage
View the most recent cumulative codebook, and data can be downloaded after registration. The authoritative site for information on dataset revisions and updates.
Computer-assisted Survey Methods Program
Perform extracts and simple statistical analyses from the 2004, 2000, and 1948-2004 cumulative files. Hosted by University of California, Berkeley.
American Religion Data Archive
Extract and download selected variables from the 2000-2004 surveys or produce onlline statistics for individual questions.
American Time Use Survey
Household survey begun in 2003 on how Americans use of personal, work, and leisure time. Summary tables and microdata can be downloaded. Conducted by Census Bureau on behalf of Bureau of Labor Statistics. Site contains links to similar time use studies conducted in other countries.
You can also create custom extracts from the surveys via the ATUS Data Extract Builder (ATUS-X), a joint project of the Maryland and Minnesota population centers:
http://www.atusdata.orgBasketball Reference
NBA and ABA player stats back to the 1946/47 season. Filter by team, coach, years, player, position. Option to download it all as a zip file in comma-delimited format.
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Prevalence of personal health behaviors and risk factors by state based on a survey of adults conducted from 1990+. Download data and documentation or create your own tables.
British Household Panel Survey
A annual survey begun in 1991 that measures social and economic characteristics. Documentation and questionnaires are publicly available; access to datasets requires individual registration. The FAQ page addresses many common question related to sample composition and enrichment, data access requirements, and anticipated future waves.
Candidate Emergence Study
A series of surveys in 1998, 2000, and 2002 to determine who does and does not choose to run for Congressional seats and competitiveness of races. Data and documentation freely available.
Census of Population and HousingCensusScope
Uses Census 2000 data to produce rankings, maps, and other spiffy graphical displays of demographic and social characteristics. Select by state, county, metro areas. Some trend information using previous decennial Censuses. Brought to you by the Social Science Data Analysis Network (SSDAN), University of Michigan.
Child Care and Early Education Research Connection
Links to research datasets, statistics, and reports, with the goal of providing information to researchers and policy makers. Many links to state-level data sources. A collaboration of ICPSR, National Center for Children in Poverty, and the Department of Health and Human Services.
China Health and Nutrition Survey
Measures affects of health, nutrition,and family planning practices on social and economic life in PRC. SAS transport files for 5 years. Data download requires registration with Carolina Population Center . Extensive documentation is freely available,
homepage for Consumer Expenditure Survey
Surveys the buying habits and expenditures of households. Conducted by the Census Bureau on behalf of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Data are collected by a quarterly interview survey and weekly diary survey (mutually exclusive samples). Many summary tables are produced (by year, limited geographic areas, household characteristics), and you can create custom tables on the site.
Family-Level Extracts
Data at the consumer-unit level. A nicely massaged set of extracts back to 1980, produced by Congressional Budget Office staff and distributed by NBER.
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Compiled by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. A statistical measure of the average change in prices paid by urban consumers for goods and services, widely used as a meausre of inflation. The core CPI exludes food and energy categories.
Correlates of War data
COW Project distributes several historical datasets coding international events back to the 1800s. Data include territorial changes, interstate alliances, and inter- and intrastate warfare. Many are more current versions of those distributed by ICPSR.
Country Indicators for Foreign Policy
Collates economic, social, environmental, and military indicators for over 100 countries. Create dynamic maps or charts and download extracts. Registration not required. Use IE to use the fancier features. Most statistical series end with 2000.
County and City Data Books
Create custom tables and extracts from the 1944-2000 data books. Despite the title, city and place geographies are also available, although with limited lists of variables. Tables can be displayed in your browser or downloaded in a spreadsheet-friendly format. Site provided by the Geospatial and Statistical Data Center, University of Virginia. A Census Bureau site has the 2007 edition with tables in Excel and PDF file formats at Business Patterns
homepage for County Business Patterns
Download raw data files back to 1988 from this Census Bureau site. Older data files are available in the Data Archive and from ICPSR. Recent years can be viewed as tables online.
Geospatial & Statistical Data Center
Produces custom extracts, by state, back to 1977.
National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS)
Provides access to CBP back to 1970, organized in multi-year "chunks" in which each year uses the same SIC or NAICS version.
Current Population Survey
homepage for Current Population Survey
Home page of the CPS, conducted by the Census Bureau for the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
data downloads
Download data and documentation for the basic survey (1998+), March supplement (1998+), and selected supplements from this Census site. Older CPS datasets are available in the Data Archive, from ICPSR, and from NBER.
National Bureau of Economic Research
Downloads for basic monthly files (1976+), most supplements (March back to 1962), some matched research files, and documentation and many input programs (SAS, SPSS, Stata).
Create extracts from a harmonized dataset containing over 40 years of March CPS data. Ideal for measuring many facets of household economic change. Superior documentation discusses comparability of variables over time. Service is free from the Minnesota Population Center but requires registration.
CPS Table Creator
U.S. Census Bureau tool to generate slick tables from the March CPS (the Annual Social and Economic Supplement) but only back to 2003.
Demographic and Health Surveys
A series of surveys conducted in over 60 counties in Asia, Africa, South and Central America, and the Middle East. Surveys measure family characteristics, health status, and household wealth. Distributed by Macro International. User registration and permission required.
Demographic Profile Generator
A service of the Missouri Census Data Center.
1990 Demographic Profile Generator
Uses STF3 to generate tables for states, counties, cities/towns/places, tracts, ZIP codes, and (for some states) county subdivisions. See the instructions for obtaining block-group level profiles.
2000 Census
Similar tables generated from the SF3 files. Data can also be extracted in a variety of database and report formats using the site's data extractor. Metropolitan Quality of Life Data
Compiles indicators to define quality of life in U.S. metropolitan areas, with a focus on measures affecting diversity, economic opportunity, and social wellbeing, broken down by race/ethnicity. Much summary data are derived from decennial Censues, but other measures (for example, access to health insurance, characteristics of local school systems, residential sprawl, housing affordability) are derived from other government and private sources. Many variables limited to the largest metro areas, and there is no ability to extract and download tables. Maps feature is limited. Compiled under the aupices of the Harvard School of Public Health.
Economic Report of the President
Links to reports since 1995. Statistical tables contain extensive macroeconomic historical data.
Family Life Surveys
Household and community surveys for Malaysia, Indonesia, Guatemala, and Bangladesh. Distributed by RAND Corporation.
Federal Elections Project
Results of the 2000 federal and state elections, including some ballot initiatives and referenda, down to the precinct level. Some geographies include registration and turnout statistics, matched with demographics from the 2000 Census. David Lublin and D. Stephen Voss, Principal Investigators. (Lublin maintains a site of replication datasets and links to the Southern Politics Project at
Federal Funds for Research and Development
Support provided by federal agencies fiscal years 1951+ . Summary tables by agency and category of recipient in PDF and Excel formats.
Foreign Currency Exchange Rates
Excellent historical series from the Federal Reserve Board. Daily spot exchange rate for over 20 countries, some back to 1971.
Health, education, economic, and demographic indicators from national statisitcal agencies, UN, and World Bank sources. Select data for individual countries or use the Data Query System for multiple countries and indicators.
General Social Survey
National Opinion Research Center (NORC)
Select, analyze, and extract variables from the most recent cumulative file using the Nesstar software product.
Computer-Assisted Survey Methods
Extract a customized set from the morst recent cumulative file. You can also perform some simple statistical operations and download extracts using the site's seach and analysis software. Courtesy of University of California, Berkeley.
Association of Religion Data Archives
Extract and download variables and questions from the GSS (1998-2004) or display online analysis tables.
Data on soils, water resources, land use, air quality, endangered species, etc, from 1964-1979 . Reflects environmental conditions existing in the 1970s. Register to download data from
http://daac.ornl.govGerman Socio-Economic Panel
homepage for German Socio-Economic Panel Study
Only documentation is available from this German Institute of Economic Research site.
Global Youth Tobacco Survey
An international survey of youth aged 13-15 on tobacco use, availability, and attitudes. Jointly sponsored by CDC, WHO, UNICEF, and others. Documentation freely available, access to datasets requires registration with the site.
Health and Retirement Study (HRS)
Begun in 1992, the HRS covers topics in health care, employment and retirement, attitudes and expectations, and family issues among persons aged 50 and over. A complementary study conducted in 1994 and 1996, Asset and Health Dynamics among the Oldest Old (AHEAD), was absorbed into HRS in 1998. Registration required for public-use data downloads. A restricted version is available to qualified users.
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP))
A suite of data products that measures hospital patient care, covering care quality, access, an outcomes, among other public policy topics. State- and national-level databases, compiled by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Includes H-CPUnet, an online tool designed to generate statistics.
Historical Census Data Browser
Generate tables for states and counties using data from 1790 to 1960. Limited mapping feature. Hosted by the Geospatial and Statistical Data Center, University of Virginia.
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)
Primary source of information about higher education: institutional characteritics, staffing and enrollment, salaries, degree completions, finances. Create custom tables and extracts on one or many institutions . Data collected and disbtributed by the National Center for Education Statistics.
Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS)
Public use microdata from the decennial Censuses, provided by the Historical Census Project, University of Minnesota.
International Data Base
Selected demographic statistics and projections for about 200 countries: birth and fertility rates, life expenctancy, migration, from the mid-1950s projected to 2025. Regularly updated to include newly independent states and the effects of HIV/AIDS prevalence in specific countries. Produced by the U.S. Census.
Kids Count Data Center
Retrieve state and city profiles containing 100 meaures of child wellbeing (for example, poverty, infant motality, family status, household characteristics). A separate Community-Level Information for Kids (CLIKS) data feature compiles a large amount of state- and local-level data to produce community profiles on the educational, economic, and health environments important to the well-being of children. Right Start Online reports factors that affect newborn wellbeing in the nation's 50 largest cities. All brought to you by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Labor Force Statistics
Produced from the from the Current Population Survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Legislative Roll Calls and related data
Coverage has expanded beyond the US Congress, European Parliament, and British Parliament parliamentary roll call data to include selected historical series from 18 other countries. VoteWorld has also been released in fancier versions, VoteWorld Online and Animations, which requrie Java Web Start. For other roll call datasets, select Links from the toolbar.
Roll call voting for the US Congress, usually more current than that provided by ICPSR study #4, as well as historical interest group ratings (1959-1981).
United Nations General Assembly
Descriptions of resolutions and tallies of voting records from 1946 to 2005, updating data from ICPSR study #5512. Provided by Erik Voeten, George Washington University. Affinity of Nations Index is a related dataset developed by Erik Gartzke that measures similarity of voting patterns among nations:
Australian Political Resources
A series of files on election results (merged with Census data), party apportionment and limited roll call data for Austrailia. Compiled by Simon Jackman.
Linking Economic Development and Child Care: 50 State Database
Compiles variables from a wide variety of data sources on child care at the state level. Addresses factors affecting availabilty and quality of child care.
Local Area Unemployment Statistics
Monthly estimates of total employment and unemployment for states, metro- and micropolitan areas, counties, larger cities and towns. Data are frequently subject to revision.
Luxembourg Income Study (LIS)
A cooperative project of 25 countries, LIS is a database of household income studies that are normalized to facilitate cross-national research. Site also provides access to the Luxembourg Employment Study (LES), composed of labor force surveys.
Milwaukee Parental Choice Program
Data generated from a program to provide subsidies to private schools as part of a general voucher program. Hosted by the Data and Program Library Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Free but registration required.
Minorities at Risk (MAR) Project
Describes the state of ethnic minorities within a country, discriminatory practices within countries, and political responses to those practices back to 1945. Select one minority group/country for review or download the entire dataset for comparative research. (The MAR Project is developing a new dataset that will focus on organizations claiming to represent minority communities.) Associated with the Center for International Development and Conflict Management, University of Maryland.
National Health Interview Survey
Site provides data, documentation, questionnaires, input programs, and publications based on the survey for 10 years, including many supplements. Most of these and older years are available from ICPSR.
The Integrated Health Interview Series site contains a chart that provides information on the availability of NHIS variables;from this page
click on variables. The link for each variable name describes its context and comparability since the first survey in 1969.
National Longitudinal Surveys
NLS homepage
Sponsored by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, its intent is to collect data on labor market experiences of individuals over time. However, the NLS datasets are used in a wide variety of research areas: the affects of life events, health status and behaviors, fertility, education, workforce experiences and expectations. Several data extraction and download options for all NLS cohorts (original cohort groups begun in 1968, NLSY79, NLSY79 Children/Young Adults, NLSY97).
NLS Database Investigator
Software required to utilize NLS data if you download the entire dataset for a cohort. Requires Windows OS.
Web Investigator
Create custom extracts from public use files from all cohorts and generate simple statistics for variables. Generate custom weights or save tag sets (variable selections) for later use. Requires that users create an account. Same data as the Data Investigator download and CD options, with the added benefit of working with the most up-to-date versions available.
National Long-Term Care Survey (NLTCS)
Longitudinal survey that meaures Medicare services to enrollees, health care expenditures, and caregiving. Jointly funded by the National Institute on Aging and Center for Demogrpahic Studies at Duke University. Six waves of data beginning in 1982, and supplemental surveys on related topics are available. Download documentation from the site. Order public use data on CD. Restricted linked files (to vital statistics and Medicare service use) are available to qualified researchers.
National Survey of America's Families
Three waves of an independently drawn samples from 13 states. Measures child- and adult-well being (adults under 65), with emphasis on low-income families. Public-use files and online analysis of a subset available after registering on the NSAF site hosted by the Urban Institute. Datasets for all three years (1997, 1999, 2002) can be downloaded from ICPSR, which also provides an online analysis and subsetting tool.
National Survey of Families and Households
Life history data on family composition, marriage, child-rearing, and family interactions. Three waves, beginning in 1987 with over 9.600 respondents. Data and documention downloads are freely available. Custom extractions and simple statistics can be created created online.
New Immigrant Survey
A panel survey of new legal immigrants to the U.S. First-round data collected in 2003 are due for release in late 2005. Data from a pilot survey have been released. Public use data can be downloaded from the site but require pre-registration.
Occupational Employment Statistics
Links to national, state, and metropolitan area occuaptional and wage estimates for recent years. From BLS. Based on a semi-annual survey of nonfarm establishments, and does not include self-employed individuals.
Panel Study of Income Dynamics
Download the raw data and documentation for all waves or use the Data Center browse and extract function to select variables.
Penn World Tables
Center for International ComparisonsPolity IV: Political Regime Characterisics and Transitions, 1800+
Codification of regime characteristics, now expected to be updated annually. Users must register before downloading the dataset and user's guide. Contains links to sources of previous Polity datasets. CISER owns Polity I-III as codebook SIND-055.
Population and Housing Unit Estimates
Annual national, state, and sub-state estimates, some with demgraphic characteristics. Files available for download in comma-delimited format. See also a web application supported by the Missouri Census Data Center for state- and county-level estimates beginning with 1990, which permits some download customization: projections
State-level projections of population by single year of age, race, sex, and Hispanic origin. National projections also available for household and family structure.
Public Health Disparities Geocoding Project
Features the U.S. Census Tract Poverty Data files, the percentage of persons living below the federal poverty level in each tract for the 1980, 1990, and 2000 Censuses.
Public Use Microdata Samples
CISER houses PUMS data from the decennial Census for 1960-2000 and selected research files from ealier Censuses.
U.S. Census Bureau
Links to state file downloads from 1-percent and 5-percent PUMS from Census 2000 and information on data for earlier censuses on CD.
Record of American Democracy (ROAD), 1984-1990
Election returns, party registrations at the precinct level for elections at the state house level above. Complemented by socioecomic and demographic variables from the 1990 Census. Gary King and Bradley Palmquist, principal investigators. See the Federal Elections Project site at American University for more recent data.
Rural America at a Glance
Demographic and economic characteristics of rural areas in the U.S. represented in maps, charts, and tables. September 2003 edition, from the USDA Economic Research Service.
School District Demographics
Extracts from 1990 and 2000 Census data in school district boundaries. Limited download capabilities.
Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT)
Distributes data from the National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG), Survey of Earned Doctorates, and other surveys measuring characteristics of the American technical labor force. From the National Science Foundation.
Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates
Estimates on number of families and children living in poverty, median household incomes. Most estimates are available for states, counties, and school districts. Produced by the U.S. Census Bureau. Estimates are generally 3 years behind.
State and Local Area Personal Income
State, county, and MSA personal income, including per capita income back to 1969. Produced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
State Failure: Internal Wars and Failures of Governance
Codes events in countries with populations of over 500,000 since 1955. Includes the following types of events: ethnic war, revolutionary war, adverse regime change, genocide/politicide.
State Health Facts
State comparisons of health status, poverty, insurance coverage, topics in minority and women's health, HIV/AIDS, care costs, and Medicare/Medicade issues. Most data for the current year only. Most series can be downloaded as delimited ascii files.
State of the Cities Data Systems
Compiles information on popualtion, housing, crime, housing, employment, economic activity for metro areas, central cities, and their suburbs. Most statistics from 1990+, Census tables back to 1970.
Use the Get Data link to access the extensive archive of datasets, most compiled to support research projects or texts in statistics. An idiosyncratic mix on everything from sports to anthropometry. Great source for stats class projects. Supported by the Statistics Department, Carnegie Mellon University.
Study of American Families, 1994Survey of Consumer Finances
Conducted every three years for the Federal Reserve Board . Measures wealth and income of American households.
Survey of Economic Expectations
A national survey on how Americans view their short-term economic future. Conducted in 8 waves from 1994 to 1998. Data can be downloaded (registration required) in Stata and ascii formats. Codebook includes variable-level frequencies.
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)
A longitudinal panel study conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau to measure income, participation in government programs. Follows changes in income within a household and events that influence economic participation, access to benefits, and social wellbeing. In addition to a "core" survey of income and labor participation questions , additional topical modules cover a wide range of topics such as child care, retirement savings, and utilization of health care services.
SIPP data constitute a rich source but can be complicated to use. The tutorial (linked from the homepage) provides an excellent introduction to the content and structure of the survey.
Surveys of Consumers
Begun in 1946, the monthly surveys measure sentiment regarding personal financial well being and that of the country. The Surveys are also used to generate the Index of Consumer Expectations. Microdata from the most recent six months are embargoed. A University of Michigan site provides customized subsets and tables using the SDA utility:
(ICPSR houses older years under the series title, Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior.) Conducted by the Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, with support from Reuters
Uniform Crime Reports
Social Sciences Data Center
National Archive of Criminal Justice DataUnion Density Estimates by State, 1964-2005
Annual estimates of public and private sector membership from 1973 to date based on the Current Population Survey. State and national data back to 1963 are based on the CPS and the Directory of National Unions and Employee Associations. Compiled by Barry Hirsch and David Macpherson.
Union Membership and Coverage Database
Compiled from the Current Population Survey. National, state, and metro area estimates. Updated annually.
USA Counties
homepage for USA Counties
Online access permits viewing one state/county/table at a time and comparison of the data for a table with other counties in a state.
Wage Determinations
Current hour wage and fringe benefits rates for federally funded construction projects. Search or browse by state and county.
Wisconsin Longitudinal Study
A study of over 10,000 Wisconsin residents who graduated from high school in 1957, with two separate surveys of their sibliings and spouses. The newest wave of data was collected in in 2005, released in late 2006. Download complete datasets with programs or create a custom subset; both require user registration.
World Fertility SurveyWorld Income Inequality Database
Indicators measuring inequality (including but not limited to Gini coefficients) in over 150 countries, including those with transitional and developing economies.
World Values Surveys
Perform simple statistical functions on WVS data or extract and download varibles of your choice. Surveys from the four waves can also be downloaded from ICPSR Direct.
Data Distributors and Producers: U.S. Government
Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology
Composed of representatives from federal statistical agencies and dedicated to improving data quality and communicating infomration on methodologies. Site includes an extensive report series and descriptions of federal statistical agency products.
Federal Computer Products Center (NTIS)
Descriptions of datafiles on diskette, CD, and tape produced since 1990. Most products are produced from federal agencies, but state and some private-sector products are also included.
Department of Agriculture
homepage for Department of Agriculture
Economic Research ServiceNational Agriculture Statistics Service
Agricultural statistics at the state, county, ZIP code, and Congressional district levels. Reports, statistical tables, and some mapping features based on recent Census of Agriculture results and other surveys.
homepage for Department of Commerce
Bureau of Economic Analysis
This link goes directly to the BEA Catalog of Products, from which you can download many national and regional economic series. Of special interest to researchers, the site archives previously published estimates that underwent subsequent revision. There is also some international data, and the site has limited mapping abilities.
In addition to data downloads, you can use an interactive feature to create tables from selected series, some back to the 1940s. Among these are the national income and products accounts (NIPA)
, regional economic accounts (also known as REIS)
, and input-output accounts
Census Bureau
Census Bureau
FedWorldOffice of Travel and Tourism Industries
Data on travel by US nationals and incoming visitors. Some detailed marketing data is sold, but the site also provides very detailed, historical statistics on travel.
homepage for Department of Education
National Center for Education Statistics
The site distributes a broad range of published reports and data on all levels of education, including state and local financing and governance, student performance and well-being, as well as trends and projections. Its Data Resource Center permits drill-down to specific tablels and charts produced by NCES. Fast Response Survey System
permits dataset downloads for the most recent and popular public-use files. The NCES site also supplies information about its restricted-use datasets.
State Education Reforms
Part of the National Center for Education Statistics site but provides data collected outside of NCES. Focuses on student assessment, school finances, school choice (public, charter, private, home schooling), and classroom practices. Most "data tables" go back only a few years.
Department of Energy
homepage for Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Comprehensive source of statistics on generation, use, forecasts, and environmental implications related to energy: nuclear, coal, natural gas, petroleum, electrcity, renewable and alternatirve fuels. Some international data. Many series can be downloaded in Excel format.
Department of Health and Human Services
homepage for Department of Health and Human Services
Bureau of Health Professions
Provides access to the National Practitioner Data Bank, which contains records of malpractice payments and "adverse actions" taken against health care professionals as reported by insurers, agencies, hospitals, and others. A second product is the National Integrity and Protection Data Bank, designed to prevent fraud in health care delivery and payments. Access to both is restricted but there are public-use versions. Information on both is on this site: for Disease Control and PreventionCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Links to cost and service utlization data related to Medicare and Medicaid programs. Many tables down to the county level. Download public-use datasets and link to descriptions of restricted-use datasets and information on how to obtain them.
National Center for Health StatisticsDepartment of Housing and Urban Development
homepage for Department of Housing and Urban Development
Most HUD data are available via HUD USER (
), a primary source for housing research information.
Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) Database
A special tabulation of 1990 and 2000 Census data used by local governments to determine housing needs. Create extracts based on household type and geographic area (state, county, place, MCD). CHAS and supporting spatial files available through US HUD.
House Price Index
Broad indicator of changes in single-family house prices by Census region, state, and MSA. Compare up to 3 geographic areas online or download historical quarterly data back to 1975 (when available) in ascii or Excel formats. Maintained by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight.
Housing Data Sets
The "front door" to important HUD datasets (sor example, American Housing Survey, Property Owners and Managers Survey, Residential Finance Survey) and GIS files designed for use with HUD data.
Speciall Tabulations of Households
Counts of houseolds by household characteristics (tenure, income, etc.) for counties, MSAs and PMSAs, and places with populations over 50,000 based on the 1990 and 2000 Census.
Department of Justice
homepage for Department of Justice
Bureau of Justice StatisticsFederal Justice Statistics Program database
Compiled by the Bureau and maintained by The Urban Institute, the database is a compilation of information from several federal agencies describing suspects and defendents in the criminal justice system.
National Archive of Criminal Justice DataDepartment of Labor
homepage for Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics
The ultimate source of US data on employment, prices, working conditions, and productivity. Includes a considerable number of historical time series and a highly selective list of series from other countries. The site's most recent redesign (2008) incoporates tutorials, data retrieval and mapping tools, and really cool calculators for comparing inflation and occupational injuries. For those who know the data and what they're looking for, see the list at and Health StatisticsDepartment of the Treasury
homepage for Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service: Tax StatsDepartment of Transportation
homepage for Department of Transportation
Bureau of Transportation StatisticsNational Household Travel Survey
Collects data on American long-distance and local travel habits. Conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics and the Federal Highway Administration. Latest survey year is 2001/ 2002. Continues two other BTS surveys: the Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (conducted irregularly 1969-1995) and American Travel Survey (1977 and 1995).
Gateways to Federal Statistics Sources
Compiles statistics on child wellbeing from 20 agencies that constitute the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics. Topics in economic and health security, education, population and family characterisitcs, crime and substance abuse. National statistics only as charts and tables in HTML and Excel, links to information on the source data .
FEDSTATSInvestigators' Guide to Sources of InformationTHOMASU.S. Government Printing OfficeWhite House Briefing Rooms
Economic IndicatorsOther Federal Agencies
Election Assistance Commission
Use the Election Resources link to locate national and state-level voter registration and turnout for federal elections. National turnout statistics by age, gender, and race based on Current Population Survey's November voting and registration supplement. Some historical data back to 1960. Selected voter turnout information for other countries is useful but not current.
Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationFederal Election Commission
Campaign financing
Historical files
An FTP site for FEC data files back to 1980.
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
Online access to Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) data, aggregated by lending institutions and MSA. Many of these data are also accessible at no cost via PolicyMap
http://www.policymap.comFederal Reserve Board
Economic Research and Data links to current and historical statistical series, reports and data associated with FRB surveys such as the Survey of Consumer Finances and Survey of Small Business Finances.
General Accounting OfficeNational Archives and Records Administration, Electonic and Special Media Records
Formerly known as the Center for Electronic Records. Among other file formats, archives numeric files representing attitude surveys; historical Censuses and other demographic and economic data products' education and environmental files; administrative records; international surveys conducted by the US Information Agency; and much more.
Use the Archival Research Catalog at
to locate studies. Selected data products can be explored by using the Access to Archival Databases tool
There's also a handy (and difficult to find) series of research guides to data series from agencies such as the IRS and NLRB.
National Science Foundation
Scientist and Engineer Statistics Data System (SESTAT)Social Security Administration
Benefits and Earnings Public Use File
Microdata consisting of a 1-percent representative sample of beneficiaries drawn from the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program, linked to correponding earnings histories. Approximately 470,000 records. Files available in ascii and SAS formats.
Data Distributors and Producers: Other U.S. Sources
Center for Population Health and Health Disparities
Associated with the RAND Corporation, the CPHHD Data Core compiles a large number of health-related measures, with primary focus in the 1990s. Series focus on population and housing characteristics (largely drawn from the U.S. Census), the aging population, cost-of-living variables, pollution, and neighborhood "connectivity." Some variables are summarized at the county, census tract, and MSA levels. Registration is required for data access.
Demographic, economic, and environmental profiles of US cities and towns both large and small, from Tombstone to Tucson and DeRuyter to Detroit. Most series appear to be derived from government sources (Census, FEC, etc.) but no attribution or list of sources is provided.
Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
An abundance of demographic and environmental datasets, much of it useful for GIS applications. See especially the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) for data on environment quality, sustainability, and human-environment interaction:
Part of Columbia University's Earth Institute.
Dupuy Institute (TDI)
Produces and collects historical data on armed conflicts and their resolution. Its datasets encompass military campaigns, warfare, and battles in the U.S. and internationally, with some extending back centuries. Data are not available for immediate download. The Institute is a successor to the Historical Evaluation and Research Organization (HERO).
Lots of economic time series, hosted by INFORUM, University of Maryland. Formatted for use with G software.
Kaiser Family Foundation
Current data on health-related topics, including cost, insurance, and public policy initiatives. Also a source of public opinion survey results on health issues. See also the Kaiser State Health Facts site at
to download related time series.
Kansas Event Data System (KEDS)
KEDS is a software that "uses automated coding of English-language news reports to generate political event data." Includes conflict and mediation datasets.
Linguistic Data Consortium
"Creates, collects, and distributes speech and text databases, lexicons, and other resources" for reseach use. Develops tools to collect and organize linguistic data. A membership organization of universities and research laboratories, located at the University of Pennsylvania.
Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC)
Distributes public-use datasets related to studies on welfare-to-work, public program participation, barriers to employment, and program evaluation efforts in urban areas.
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Excellent source of historical economic and trade data, as well as some series on health care and vital statistics. Noteworthy collection of vital statistics and Current Population Survey files, including SAS, Stata, and SPSS input programs to die for.
Supports mapping and report features for a suite of data products from federal, not-for-profit, and proprietary sources covering economic activity, health and environment, schools, neighborhood and housing conditiions, mortgage and lending activity, and demographics. Much of the free data (use requires registration) are from Census, HUD, USDA, and a variety of non-profits. There are also subscription options, which allow access to proprietary data and the ability to upload your own data and to create custom reports and maps. Supported by The Reinvestment Fund, a not-for-profit community development organization based in Philadelphia.
Social Science Data Analysis Network (SSDAN)
Creates user-friendly data discovery and display tools based largely on data from the 2000 Census and Kids Count indicators compiled by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Based at the Population Studies Center, University of Michigan.
State Data Centers
SDC agencies and affiliates provide training and assistance to locate and use US Census Bureau products.
Tax Foundation
Describes itself as nonpartisan and committed to a simplified and stable system of taxation that supports economic growth. Downloads from the Data section include information on tax rates on income, consumption, comparisons among states, results of opinion polls on taxes, and much more. Some sections have extensive time series, whereas others have only the most recent year or two.
Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
Uses public data to examine spending and enforcement activities of the federal government. Obtains data from the FBI, INS, DEA, Homeland Security, and IRS based on FOIA requests to these agencies. Extensive discussion of data sources and their limitations. Simple charts and comparison tables are freely available,other services are by subscription only. Based at Syracuse University.