| 207 | Ratledge, Edward | ratledge | ratledge@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Professor | Center Director, CADSR | | Management information systems, Econometrics, Criminal justice systems | 282 Graham Hall | 302-831-1684 | /Documents%20Bios%20CVs/edward-ratledge-CV.pdf | Ratledge is the director of the Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research (CADSR). The center conducts survey research and policy research for a wide range of federal, state, and local government agencies and non-profits. Ratledge has more than thirty years of experience working with state and local government at both policy and operational levels. His current work spans a variety of areas including healthcare, transportation, economic development, and public finance. | <img alt="Edward Ratledge" src="/Images%20Bios/Ratledge_Ed.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 215 | Gross, Rebecca | rbedford | rbedford@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Policy Scientist, CADSR | Associate Director, CADSR | | | 287 Graham Hall | 302-831-8406 | | | <img alt="Rebecca Gross" src="/Images%20Bios/Bedford_Rebecca.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 196 | Laznik, John | jlaz | jlaz@udel.edu | | | | | | | Associate Policy Specialist, CADSR | | | | 289 Graham Hall | 302-831-0479 | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/Documents%20Bios%20CVs/john-laznik-cv.pdf | | <img alt="John Laznik" src="/Images%20Bios/Laznik_John.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 200 | Racca, David | dracca | dracca@udel.edu | | | | | | | Policy Scientist, CADSR | | | | 284 Graham Hall | 302-831-1698 | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/Documents%20Bios%20CVs/david-racca-CV.pdf | | <img alt="David Racca" src="/Images%20Bios/Racca_David.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
| 229 | Brel-Fournier, Yuliya | ulenka | ulenka@udel.edu | | | | | | | Assistant Policy Scientist, CADSR | | | | 286 Graham Hall | 732-610-5853 | /Documents%20Bios%20CVs/Yuliya-Brel-CV.pdf | | <img alt="" src="/Images%20Bios/Brel-Fournier_Yuliya.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |
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