| 335 | 2020-07-22T04:00:00Z | <img alt="" src="/news/PublishingImages/delaware-state-flag.jpeg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | Institute for Public Administration Connects Delawares State and Local Governments to COVID-19 Recovery Efforts | <p>The University of Delaware's Institute for Public Administration (IPA) has launched Recover Delaware to spur planning and action for Delaware's recovery from the ongoing economic, public health, and social impacts of COVID-19.</p><p>Through Recover Delaware, IPA and its partners will chart a competitive, equitable, and inclusive path forward for Delaware by providing state and local governments, school districts, businesses, and community groups with policy formulation and analysis, strategic planning, and implementation support.</p><p>"We started Recover Delaware to motivate ourselves and our public and private partners to tackle the sizable challenges of recovery head on, while also providing one clear entry point for those seeking support," said IPA Director Jerome Lewis.</p><p>IPA Associate Director Troy Mix will lead Recover Delaware with three focus areas for Delaware's recovery:</p><ol><li>Convening public and private sector stakeholders to identify adaptation needs, develop public policies, and pilot and implement programs to advance economic, public health, and social recovery;</li><li>Developing recovery strategies for communities and organizations to plan short- and long-term futures and secure resources to implement prioritized initiatives; and</li><li>Establishing Delaware as the premier location for remote learning, work, and commerce by advancing programs that provide Delawareans with equitable access to the digital infrastructure, services, and skills they need to learn, work, and access community services remotely.</li></ol><p>In July, IPA appointed <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=16ebe55b-c309-476f-80f4-adafc08430c6&TermSetId=ffea7d44-d746-4327-a9ac-2b17d9b38580&TermId=f9fa543d-0c92-4689-8c30-86b01f637744&UrlSuffix=kmcgregor" target="_blank">Kirsten McGregor</a>, Principal of SAGAX Associates, LLC since 2013, as a Senior Fellow to advise on Recover Delaware activities. McGregor is an economic recovery and development consultant whose major assignments have included Senior Policy Advisor on President Obama's Hurricane Sandy Task Force; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Coordinator for the US Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration; and Deputy Director of the Delaware Economic Development Office."We're excited to partner with Kirsten and bring her expertise to bear in supporting Delaware's communities through recovery," said Mix.</p><p>In August, IPA appointed <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=16ebe55b-c309-476f-80f4-adafc08430c6&TermSetId=ffea7d44-d746-4327-a9ac-2b17d9b38580&TermId=f9fa543d-0c92-4689-8c30-86b01f637744&UrlSuffix=mrucci" target="_blank">Mark Rucci</a> (BA/MPA '15) as a Senior Fellow advising the <em><a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?More=IPA&FName=recover-delaware.aspx&WebId=16ebe55b-c309-476f-80f4-adafc08430c6&TermSetId=ffea7d44-d746-4327-a9ac-2b17d9b38580&TermId=dc03c4c8-73cd-41c9-9cdc-aa772b40b59a&UrlSuffix=recover-delaware" target="_blank">Recover Delaware</a></em><em> </em>initiative on the role of entrepreneurial and startup ecosystems and digital platforms for inclusive economic and community development. "Mark brings enthusiasm for Delaware, a commitment to addressing inequities, and experience supporting the development of innovative businesses and entrepreneurial regionswe're excited to partner on charting a successful and inclusive recovery for Delaware," said Mix. Rucci and Mix recently recorded <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=16ebe55b-c309-476f-80f4-adafc08430c6&TermSetId=ffea7d44-d746-4327-a9ac-2b17d9b38580&TermId=dc03c4c8-73cd-41c9-9cdc-aa772b40b59a&UrlSuffix=inclusive-recovery" target="_blank">two episodes</a> for the First State Insights podcast.<br></p><p><br></p> | <p>Nicole Minni, IPA associate policy scientist, developed an interactive, emergency food-resource mapping application in collaboration with Cape Community Coordination for COVID-19 (CCC4COVID).</p><p>The goal of the <a href="https://arcg.is/1aa8WL" target="_blank">interactive map</a> is to provide a rapid response to rising food insecurity needs of vulnerable populations in the Cape Henlopen region of Sussex County during the pandemic. It provides locations of emergency food suppliers, venues, and distribution methods.</p><p>Since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, food insecurity has increased across the nation andin Delaware. Schools, childcare facilities, senior centers, and social service centers were closedquickly in response to the pandemic. Children receiving free or reduced-cost school meals, older adults relying on congregate meals at senior centers, families facing job loss,homeless individuals, and other vulnerable people needed access to emergency foodsupplies. <a href="https://www.ccc4covid.org/">CCC4COVID</a> is a coalition of civic and community organizations in the area servedby the Cape Henlopen School District in Sussex County, Delaware, who united to coordinate the local response to the pandemic. CCC4COVID's 55 partners have a combined reach of 111,000+ individuals.</p><p>While the internal GIS map is intended for use by CCC4COVID partners, an interactive, public-facing map has been created and displayed on the CCC4COVID website: https://bit.ly/2YHXPFV. The user-friendly map shows types and locations of emergency food distribution sites. Pop-ups provide days and hours of food distribution. While the interactive map began as a regional community effort, it has now expanded to the state of Delaware.<br></p> | <p>IPA Policy Scientist Marcia Scott curated a list of articles and websites presenting municipal responses during the covid-19, using an online curation tool called Wakelet.</p><p>The <a href="https://wakelet.com/wake/f4b69f96-dffa-4715-a8ed-b8d5ecb9c170">curated collection</a> begins with what's being done at the local government level in Delaware. It also includes how local governments across the nation are addressing needs of vulnerable, food insecure, and homeless populations. Links to resources of national-level organizations including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), International City/County Management Association (ICMA), National League of Cities (NLC), and National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) are also provided.</p><p>The collection entitled "Delaware & U.S. Local Government Response to COVID-19:<strong> </strong>What are cities, towns, and counties in Delaware and the U.S. doing to serve community members and protect lives during this unprecedented health emergency?" continues to be updated. The site now includes 148 items and counting.<br></p> | <p>IPA partnered with the City Management Association of Delaware to present a free webinar series focused on continuing local government operations during the COVID-19 crisis. The five-part series, presented during Friday's lunch hour, provided an opportunity to municipal staff to learn adaptable skills for remote work, communications, human resources, physical and emotional well-being, and economic recovery. Each webinar is available to watch on the Planning for Complete Communities in Delaware YouTube Channel:</p><ul><li><a href="https://youtu.be/EOPMptr0JaA">Continuing Local Government in the Time of Crisis, April 17, 2020</a>, with Ann Marie Townshend (MPA), AICP, ICMA-CM, City Manager, City of Lewes, Delaware, and Christine Hoh (MPA), ICMA Local Government Management Fellow, Cities of Milford and Lewes, led this virtual Lunch and Learn.</li><li><a href="https://youtu.be/xZI5NL-nmLU">Communicating with Constituents During Crisis, April 24, 2020</a>, with Trisha Newcomer, City of Seaford, and Krys Johnson, City of Rehoboth Beach.</li><li><a href="https://youtu.be/E_nn4zCxFLI">Telework, May 1, 2020</a>, with Jamesha Eaddy, HR Administrator for the City of Milford.</li><li><a href="https://youtu.be/QBh2_8udnTg">Managing Your Wellbeing, May 8, 2020</a>, with Jennifer Daniels, MSW</li><li><a href="https://youtu.be/_HqjgrdHTZU">Economic Recovery, May 15, 2020</a>, with Rep. Bryan Shupe (R, District 36)</li></ul><p>To explore partnership opportunities or request support with your organization's recovery efforts, contact<a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=16ebe55b-c309-476f-80f4-adafc08430c6&TermSetId=ffea7d44-d746-4327-a9ac-2b17d9b38580&TermId=f9fa543d-0c92-4689-8c30-86b01f637744&UrlSuffix=mix"></a><a href="/news/Pages/Recover-Delaware-Initiative-Launched.aspx?ControlMode=Edit&DisplayMode=Design"><strong> Troy Mix</strong></a><a href="/news/Pages/Recover-Delaware-Initiative-Launched.aspx?ControlMode=Edit&DisplayMode=Design"></a> (mix@udel.edu; 302-831-6191) or visit <strong><a href="/ipa">IPA's website</a></strong>.<br></p> | | | | | IPA Launches Recover Delaware Initiative | Addressing Food Insecurity in Cape Henlopen through Mapping Needs | Curating the Government Response to COVID-19 | Lunch and Learn Series for Municipal Staff | | | | | <img alt="Delaware state flag billos in the wind with the sun behind it." src="/news/PublishingImages/delaware-state-flag.jpeg?RenditionID=9" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | | | | | | | | <p>Recover Delaware leverages the Institute for Public Administration's (IPA) public policy expertise and partnerships with public and private sector stakeholders.<br></p> | | | | | | | | | https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/news/Pages/Recover-Delaware-Initiative-Launched.aspx | |