Understanding the Role of Local Government Officials in Delaware | 720 | Understanding the Role of Local Government Officials in Delaware | Via Zoom Meeting | Led by Max Walton, this course will include a presentation covering the basics of what every local government official needs to know and a panel featuring experienced elected officials sharing their insights on local governance. <div><br><span></span><a href="https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/Event%20Docs/local-govt-officials-event.pdf" style="text-decoration-line:underline;"><div style="display:inline;">View Event Flyer</div></a> | Registration Cost: $20 | <a href="https://commerce.cashnet.com/UDELIPLG" target="_blank">Register Here</a> </div> | <p></p><div>Whether you are newly elected or have questions about your role as a local government official in Delaware, this new training course will cover the basics. The course will be divided into two parts. First, we will cover what is mandated, desirable practices, and actions prohibited by law in Delaware. <br></div><div><br></div><div>After covering those legal basics, we will have a panel of local government officials to discuss the role of elected officials in Delaware based on their knowledge and experience.</div><div><br></div><div>Max Walton, Esq. from Connolly Gallagher, will lead the first portion of the course. </div><div><br></div><div><strong>Our panel discussion will include the following local government officials:</strong></div><div><ul><li>Ken Decker – County Administrator for the Kent County Levy Court</li><li>Rosemary Hardiman – Councilperson from the Town of Bethany Beach</li><li>Terry Tieman – Assistant Town Manager from the Town of Bethany Beach</li><li>Bill West – Mayor of the Town of Georgetown<br></li><li>Gene Dvornick – Manager of the Town of Georgetown <br></li></ul></div><div>This session qualifies for credit toward the Delaware Certificate in Local Government Leadership.<br></div><div><br></div><div><a href="https://commerce.cashnet.com/UDELIPLG" target="_blank">Register Today</a> | Registration Cost: $20 | <a href="https://www.bidenschool.udel.edu/ipa/Event%20Docs/local-govt-officials-event.pdf"><div style="display:inline;">View Event Flyer</div></a> <br></div><div><br></div><div>Contact Sean O’Neill (<a href="mailto:oneill@udel.edu">oneill@udel.edu</a>) with questions about this event. </div> | 9/18/2024 2:00:00 PM | 9/18/2024 4:00:00 PM | | | |
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